
Did the thought that we were all just a pigment of someones imagination ever come to your mind?

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wow i feel dumb yeah i meant figment sorry i just woke up




  1. Pigment?  No.  Figment? Yes.  This is a question that is huge within Philosophy.  The first person to question existence was Renee Descartes.  He pointed out that we cannot trust our senses because we can all recall times when our senses have deceived us.  We have seen something that wasn't there (mirage), tasted something that wasn't there, felt something that wasn't there etc...  So if it is possible for our senses to sometimes deceive us, isn't it possible that our senses are always deceiving us?  How do we know reality is real?  What can we trust?  What if this whole existence is just the imagination of an evil demon?  What is real?  Descartes is also the man who famously said "I think therefore I am."  This means that because he is capable of thought then there must be some THING that exists to perform that thought.  

    If you want to study more on this subject I would suggest reading Descartes' works.  First I would read "Meditations on First Philosophy," this is very short and introduces you to Descartes very well.  Second you should read his "Principles of Philosophy" this could be seen as a continuation of the Meditations which is a little more in depth.  

  2. i hope you meant figment...and if that were the case then nothing matters so why would you even think about it.

    and "i think therefore i am" still holds true

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