
Did the universal packing list help you pack for your trip?

by  |  earlier

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i was just wondering if i should use it or not...




  1. What I use is MY routine to pack. The special things you need for your trip,,you probably have already shopped put them in first. Get yourself ready to go as a normal day and pack the items as you get ready. There is  nothing worse than realizing you forgot your deoderent, or meds. Be sure to carry medications on the the plane with you if your flying.. Buy yourself a special outfit or jammies JUSt FOR THE TRIP, then when you wear it,,you will have a warm feeling as you put it on. Also remember to buy something,, (that fits your budget) every time you go on a trip. Like a pair of earrings..or a something You will get every trip. Some people do the spoons, ashtrays.. I prefer something I use. A fun one is a tile/trivet. Save them and when you have your own home put them in a bathroom or kitchen. Have fun

  2. Pack according to your trip and put a lot of thought into the environment and area you are traveling. Ask yourself what you might want while your there! A basic list may help you if you forget small things.

    Have fun!

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