
Did the yankees actually think they were going to win this year ?

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I'm so happy that the Yankees are struggling this year. They got rid of Joe Torre, Brought in Joe Giradi, Did absolutely nothing about that weak rotation knowing that pitching wins games. Like serious did they think they were going to outslug their opponent every night ?. Then they put ALL of their faith in "Joba Overrated Chamberlain". Lol .. Like this is too funny .. The yankees are like 10 or 11 back now. They sure aren't going to win the wild card either . So their season is OVER!!..Money can't buy championships and I wish this organization gets it through their heads.




  1. Listen up, the Yankees WILL make the Wild Card.  It ain't over TILL IT'S OVER.  Do you realize that we still have over a month of the season left? In that time, the Yankees could catch up and kick Boston out of second.  They've made the playoffs for the past 15 years, and they're not gonna break the streak this year.  

    And what? Joba Chamberlain overrated? He can throw 100mph... And you're saying he's overrated? You need to study some more stats.

    With the 37 games left in this season, I believe we can make the playoffs.  And when we do, I'm going to come back and remind you they did.

  2. The Yankees think there going to win every year but Happily they don't because if they won the World Series sometime soon they will become more bigger Show-Offs. Derek Jeter isn't a show-off but most of them are like i bet A-Rod is hiding steriods in his lockers and feeding them to David Ortiz so the Red Sox can burn.

    (I wish they hadn't dug up the Boston jersey in the Yankee Stadium Construction Site)

    Answer my question Please at;...

  3. First of all, the season isn't over yet. Do I expect the Yankees to make the playoffs right now? No. But there's still five weeks left and I would hate for the Yankees to run up the white flag before the end of August just because a few Yankee haters on Yahoo! Answers are "so sure" the season's over.

    Second, how does your argument about "money buying championships" match up to the philosophy the Yankees used to start this season, which was relying on farm kids like Chamberlain, Ian Kennedy and Phil Hughes to be the starters? If anything, they didn't spend enough money on pitching. As for hitting? Who did they import? The only significant signing to the offense was A-Rod and he was a return. Where did they spend all this money in the offseason to bolster their offense? They re-signed Cano and picked up Abreu's option. Other than that, where is this whole "they spent too much money on offense" thing you speak of? They picked up Nady and Pudge Rodriguez in trades, sure. But I'd hardly put that on the level of getting Manny Ramirez.

    Third, injuries and inconsistency on offense was the team's demise, not putting their faith in Joba.

    Sounds like you're cackling just to cackle. Because the team's philosopy is to try and get younger and NOT spend more money. They only went after Nady and Pudge to fill in for Matsui and Posada, which is reasonable for a team with legitimate playoff aspirations. But who have been their call-ups? Brett Gardner and Justin Christian, both young cats who aren't making a lot of money. Insiders will tell you that the Yankees probably didn't think they were going to win this season, but you can't tell Yankees fans that. Using the "R" word in New York (rebuilding, fyi) can get you canned quickly in New York.

    So....could you please clean up your comments? Because you're contradicting yourself like crazy.  

  4. Ha, yeah! The Yankees have been spoiled that's for sure the last 15 years or so with a nice hefty payroll. It's quite amazing that a team like the Rays can quiet the monster Yankees, and their payroll is a third of theirs?! I think the Yankees need to fire Girardo and whoever in the front office that is in charge of signing players (is it Cashman) I am not sure.

  5. Yupp, just like the Tigers thought they would... bottom line is the Yanks need to get playoffs out of their heads this year.. same with the Tigers.

  6. Why can't Cashman be more like Theo Epstein.

  7. Since when is the baseball season over in August?  There is still time to make wild card but it will be tough but things may look bad right now, but since they have 6 games each with Boston & Tampa Bay, "It's not over til it's over" & until they are mathematically eliminated, they are still in it even being behind 6.5 games but even if they don't, they had a spot in the play offs every year since 1995 & 4 World Series rings in that time frame & no fan of any team can say that.

  8. do not blame the organization its the stubborn fans that run the team they want fire works every year and that almosts forces the team to spend all their money on old and over rated players every year instead of trying to develop a decent team

  9. I think the Yankees are convinced they're going to win every year.

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