
Did the yanks make a huge mistake dealing karstens to the pirates?

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he dominated the cubs this afternoon




  1. A couple of days ago yankee fans when saying how karstens was nothing.  Now he has a good game and the whining has started.

  2. yes they should have kept him so he didnt dominate the cubs

  3. He did dominate, but I think time will tell. Maybe he turns out to be a bust.  

  4. doesn't matter, if he stays good, once he becomes a free agent the Yankees can buy him back

  5. Karstens is most likely going to be an average-at-best pitcher. Any way you slice it, Nady + Marte = we got the better end of that deal.

  6. Sometimes, all a pitcher needs is a chance. Karstens was going nowhere in the Yankee system since he was trapped behind too many other pitchers. With the Pirates, he will be an immediate help to one of the poorest rotations in MLB. Also, since he only pitched in the AL, it will take NL teams a while to adjust to his pitching style. I think both teams benefited from this deal.

  7. Yes

  8. not at all the yankees have pavano hughes and kennedy getting back into shape and getting ready for them they do not need karstens or farnsworthless for that matter

  9. Far too early to say. I'm still happy that the Yanks have Nady and Marte.  

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