
Did these illegals take jobs from Americans ? pulling in $18,000 a year ?

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How about why did Howard Industries interestingly put up a billboard a week before the day of the raid saying it was hiring workers for the entire gamut of jobs it offered ?

The 600 presumed “terrorist and other criminals” detained were working for Howard Industries which employs 4,000 workers in the tiny town of Laurel, Mississippi. Their stated earnings averaged $18,000 a year according to a local Laurel newspaper, a seemingly high income for workers in Latin America, but slightly higher than the federal poverty line in the U.S., where just the food expenditures for a household border $4,000 a year.

The list of detainees included 106 individuals identified as “being eligible for an alternative to detention based on humanitarian reasons”, which meant being fitted an electronic bracelet for tracking, just as the ones worn by mothers detained less than a month ago in Norristown, PA. Adding to its image of humane and unbiased propriety ICE employs a Hispanic spokeswoman, her name is Barbara Gonzalez.

Enrolled for years in the federal verification program to detect workers with irregular backgrounds, Howard Industries interestingly put up a billboard a week before the day of the raid saying it was hiring workers for the entire gamut of jobs it offered. Coincidentally none of Howard Industries executives were detained.The Associated Press reported the existence of “simmering tensions” between union bosses and immigrants, because the latter were getting more overtime and supervisory positions.

And how about this,But wait. The open-borders folks are always telling us these are jobs Americans won’t do. John “Lettuce” McCain doesn’t think these Americans exist, either. Yet here they are, American citizens lining up to do the work illegal aliens were doing (just like they did after the Colorado Swift raids):Howard Industries found itself at the center of activity again Tuesday.

Hundreds of job applicants lined up, eager to take advantage of the sudden job openings at the plant located in Jones County, where the unemployment rate is 6.3 percent.




  1. sadly yes.

  2. Yes, and I like to add, it's a felony for illegal immigrants to work in Mississippi, and that they found children were illegally working in that plant.   Also non Latino illegal immigrants were found as well.  the one I remember was German.  I am suspicious of the timing of the billboard and that no managements were detained.  

    edit:   I checked the latest census count, and laurel mississppi has a little over 18,000 residence.   I find it suspicious of the companies hiring practice that 600 were caught in this raid in such a small town.

  3. Yes they did!  

  4. How about NO! and the only reason people lined up is because these jobs are inside jobs with comfortable air conditioning in a TINY TOWN, so where else are they going for work????? But why weren't people lined up at the  farm jobs after the raids and after the immigration laws passed?....maybe because these jobs are backbreaking jobs with extra long hours, no weekends and no holidays off in grueling temperatures. hmmmmmm!

    Easy jobs in a TINY TOWN = people lining up.

    Hard labor jobs in grueling temperatures = no people lining up (even with our un-employment rate on the rise), farms shutting down and losing millions...

    Nobody has ever said that ALL the jobs illegals do are the jobs Americans won't. Let's look at fast food. There's illegals and citizens working those jobs, but in most cases illegals are the ones they can rely on especially over the teenage citizens who like to party and stay up too late playing XBOX. Yes! Americans did other jobs before, but today's American is different, they have easier alternatives.

  5. Yes but pro-illegal immigration people are already saying that THOSE jobs are different. This is after saying all along that EVERY job an illegal does is a job an American will not do! Guess what? They are as usual full of s**t! We did all the jobs before the illegals came and we can do it again.

    Another point that the pro-illegal immigration people make is that it was a small town so that ruining the town economy was OK! What kind of logic is that?

  6. Of course they did.   I am feeling encouraged now that I am reading of more work-place raids and the deportations.   How about another round of applause?  

  7. Yes!

  8. I use to be in the miltary, and I had always been one of those "borderline" weight people where I was just under the requirements. Many times I'd have my superiors whine at me to do something about it instead of just pass by minimal standards. I joined extra work out groups and did additional workouts in addision to the required amounts the military standards called out for.

    They used some goofy chart of height vs weight along with midsection measurements. In time, i realized just how inaccurate this method was when there were calipers or water dumk methods that were way more accurate. Then the realization hit me....the military never was nor probably never will be a real authority on actual "health" it was more or less an authority of compliance. They order, you do. Sure, i realized that was military life, but to sit behind some stupid and inadequately written policy so they can do the same with your health standards ? That seems stupid.

    The point being, there are many agenda's out there, alot of mixed or conflicting data on many many subjects, but you can most certainly assume that the person pushing the agenda hasn't seen nor do they want to see the truth of the issue. They've picked their side and in alot of cases, are stubborn enough to stick to their guns even though they suspect they are wrong.

    I had one little idiot trying to convince me America needs illegals to operate, and after the time, the links, the listings of stories and even down to the march's in LA that only proved they clog up our highways, there just wasn't any way to convince this jerk he was wrong. And that's the main complaint i have about socialists and liberals. They do'nt want to admit they are wrong, they don't want to learn anything, they don't want to see reality. Sure, not all are that way, the the politically charge, the underfoot idiots and whiners trying to effect policy almost always seem to have this bad trait.

    Personally I welcome being called wrong...for I will have learned something, and tomorrow I will be right.

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