
Did they ever fire that fat blob jockey that caused my leg to brake?

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i demand the fat blob be fired & never have a job again.




  1. no room for your b/s in this area....tell you mom i said hello....

  2. Yes, I agree with everyone else. Edgar Prado is a very respectable jockey!

  3. YOU are one sick jerk (off )...

  4. I really think that someone is using your screen name because I had doubted that YOU could have written something so cruel. Do you not remember the pictures of Edgar holding you so that you would not run. Do you not remember the stories that the quick thinking of your jockey is actually what saved your life and gave you the opportunity to live.  Edgar Prado is one of the best jockey's around. You should be proud that he rode you to victory in the Kentucky Derby and saved your life that sad day at the Preakness. . Shame on your for thinking any less. .

    Seriously though, I still think of Barbaro. I have his picture on my wall, but you need to get a life. . .

  5. Please, get a life.

  6. the jockey did not brake your leg ,you were spoked while you were in the gates.

  7. reminds me of "do not brake the bananas" which I see on the fruit stall every market day.

    I was trying to point out a fundamental use of the wrong word but then it was repeated below. I know there are some recognised differences between English and American spelling but I did not realise it went that far. I'll break off here.

  8. That "fat blob jockey" risked his life by pulling you up, jumping off you and supporting you with his entire "fat" 114 pound, 5'3" body until someone larger could assist him.  He also took time out of his busy schedule to visit you in the hospital.   He gave you a real chance to live and almost an extra year of quality pain-free life.

    This is what he had to say about you:

    ESPN's Jeanine Edwards raised emotions again when she read comments that jockey Edgar Prado e-mailed to her from New York, where he was riding.

    "Barbaro showed us the will to live against all odds. He fought so hard and taught us [that] to give up is not an option," Prado wrote. "Barbaro brought a lot of people together. ... He left us a ray of hope, and now it's up to us to make sure his legacy and message continues to go on and on. Thanks, Barbaro, for the ride of a lifetime and making all my dreams come true."

    You also might want to refresh your memory about the good times you had grazing with Dr. Dean Richardson and how happy you looked when the "fat slob jockey" came all the way to New Bolton to visit you.  Take a look at the pictures on the site below.  You don't look like you were having such a bad time.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for making that despicable comment.

  9. no... they gave him the eclipse award for best jockey of the year... and rightfully so... "that fat blob jockey" saved your life when he pulled up and jumped off and stopped you from running and hurting yourself worse.  I'm sorry about the laminitis, but try not to be so bitter.

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