
Did they really??????

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ok, so how did Google REALLY get all those street scenes? I refuse to believe that some dude in a car literally drove around to every house in the world and took photos...I mean...really




  1. What are you talking about? Google Earth? Well, on Earth, the pics shown are uploaded by the users themselves, including you. I think the good pics from are put into Earth's server and downloaded everytime you start Google Earth.

  2. yes they drove round the world in this taking pictures

  3. hahahahahaaha i never thought about that before thats funny they probably got loads of people to do it like not just one guy lol

  4. It took months to do it in Australia. I could think about ten things from  the top of my head that the money could be better of spent on!

  5. Actually, Google really did do that. If not, how would they make a street scene? Don't tell me that there are users who take pictures of the streets and have them patched, because not every inch of the street is photoed.
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