
Did they run out of coffee at the R.N.C? ?

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Looks like its gonna be an early night for me. Im tired.... Yawn




  1. huh...wha...was someone speaking...oh...yeah...rudy...zzzz

  2. No one would miss you, you can go to bed

  3. Nope. They really are just that boring.

  4. What do you expect it is way past their bed time since they all have to get back to the old folks home soon

  5. Yeah you will cry and yawn on November 4th!  

  6. The crowd seems pretty energized and excited.  This stuff does pretty much go over the heads of the feeble minded.  I can understand that it would bore you.

    Summer's Mommy, the republican women are very attractive, aren't they?

  7. I feel asleep last night but I want to see how much BS Palin says.  Wonder if she will tell about Dairygate, troopergate, etc or if she will talk about McCain's war story, I haven't heard that made up story for a whole 3 minutes. Cindy McCain has falling asleep looking at Palin's baby. I am really falling asleep.

  8. maybe

  9. jackass. thats funny......

  10. Nope, but they are still having their beauty pageant for office right now...

  11. After Palin speaks, they'll be so pumped up they won't need coffee.

  12. you must be a comedian.  

  13. I thought the most exciting part was watching the Repubs board life rafts after the room filled with the spit projected from Rudy Giuliani during his speech.

  14. Is that all you got?

  15. No, it's just boring as all h**l.

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