Did this affect my height honestly, please READ and answer in a well manner? ?
As of now I am an 18 year old male weigh about 170 lbs and am 5 feet
6 inches tall.
I used to be overweight i used to be 5 feet 6 inches tall and 265 lbs when I was 16.One month before my 17 th birthday on March 3rd I started my diet. April is my birthday, Anyway I started it and I ended it on November 2007 which I was about 142lbs(EXTREMELY BONY). I dropped my weight fast, because I hardly ate and was belumic. I actually lost 80 lbs in 3 months. On June 2007 i looked great, but the annorexia and belumia did not stop till I feburary 2008. Did I stop growing or will I still keep growing, I hope I didn't put my body in a lot of torment.
I have extra skin a lot on my stomach and am eating really healthy because I want to grow taller.
Will I continue to grow MY goal is to be 5'9. OR did I stop, I am actually kind of chubby now because of the weight gain I purposely added on. I am afraid to lose weight because It will affect my height. Please help me and let me know If I will grow taller, should I take super-growth. Thank you for you time and consideration.
THIS person told me that what I did, did not affect my growth but slowed it down. SO, is it true.
THANK YOU for your time and consideration.