
Did this happen to anyone else?

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When I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I also had a few friends who were pregnant and they all had girls too. Now I'm pregnant again and I have a few friends that are pregnant too and they're having boys and I'm wondering if I'll have a boy! Had that happened to anyone else?




  1. Its funny how that works. With all my boys, I seemed to be having the opposite of all my friends, and lo and behold, we are now expecting girl #1 and all of our friends seemed to be having opposite of what they already have as well. It something in the stars. If you look up astronomical calendars they will usually tell you if its a year of a boy or a girl. It all seems to add up tho! Its funny how all that stuff works! So yes it did happen!

  2. Yes! It happened to me. It seems like everyone I knew who was pregnant in spring of 2006, had a boy, just like me!

  3. haha well...we hae 6 girls in my company (army) that are all pregnant. we are ALL having boys. i know im only 12 weeks pregnant but the german doctors over here work fast and they're never wrong. haha. no i lied 5 out of 6 of us are having boys =]

  4. Not me. All of my friends have daughters, and all of the pregnant people around me are having girls, but I'm having a boy. And it's funny to because I'm the "girliest" one of the whole bunch yet I'm having the boy. =)

  5. that happens alot its like whenever my friends or i get a new car all of a sudden i'll start seeing that car ever where

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