
Did this little girl practice watching Ashlee Simpson?

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The whole world now knows of China's lameness. And the poor little buck-toothed girl (their description), shoved into the background, will she live forever in shame?




  1. poor kid her big break and then someone pulls out the rug from under her ! If I was her I would start to work on bringing that communist government down she is the new generation they will set it right.

  2. I daresay that "display girl" pulled it off better than Ashlee Simpson. You gotta give her that credit.

    Everyone was laughing about it at school. Goodness me, China just rakes the jokes out on itself, one by one. And that poor lil crooked teeth girl... she handled the situation well with her humbleness. Good on her.

  3. In her own words:

    Yang Peiyi is said to have reacted well to the disappointment. "I am proud to have been chosen to sing at all," she is reported to have said.

    Even at such a young age, she is more mature than the organisers.

    "will she live forever in shame" - shame on you, cute fades, a voice is a gift that can only get better.

  4. did that girl even sing live at the opening cermony apparently not but i do feel sorry for the little girl calling her buck-toothed thats mean she looks sweet. :)

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