
Did this student get the best of the professor?

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I'm in this sociology class and the other day we were talking about norms. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about I will briefly explain. Basically theres the IDEAL norm which is what some people want to happen. Take the speed limit for example the ideal norm is that everyone follows it, But they don't so the REAL norm is what most people actually do. Well he was being kind of an A@@ about how they should just go with whatever the real norm is.

Anyways today in class we were bit*hing about how we should get let out early for class. The professor then went on this tirade on how we are paying a lot of money for his time and we should stay and absorb every minute of it. Well then my friend raises his hand and goes well Dr. that is the IDEAL norm now isn't it? The REAL norm is that we all just want to get the h**l out of here. Then the professor got pissed and was like god I love always having a smarta@@ in my classes! So did the professor get bested here?




  1. I would just say that the students can leave whenever they want but are fools wasting their money or more likely their parent’s money.

  2. No. How about this though.  The prof. asks the class if they would like to cut class short. Of course most everybody was fine with that, except for a couple of guys.  Why didn't they want to get out early?  Because they were paying for their own education and one said, "What do you think you're doing?  I'm paying you to answer my questions. "then the other guy said, "If you walk out of here now, you're rippin us off"  That might be hard for someone to relate to if your not paying your own way through school.

    So anyways here's what i think is the best story ever of  a student besting a prof.  I can't remember if this was at U,C. Berkeley or Davis, but this friend of mine was in a lecture hall with about three hundred students and the professor says that all term papers must be on his desk by 8:00A.M. the day after final exams.  So it's about  8:02 A.M. and this dude comes running down the steps , meanders around a bunch of students milling around till he gets up to the desk and the professor says , " Too late, I said 8:00 A.M." to which the student replied, "Do you know who I am?".  The professor said no and the dude shoved his term paper into the middle of the stack and left.

  3. I would say yes and no. The student was being a smart@ss, but he brought up a valid point. He truely should have brought up that point in class when the discussion was going on the other day. I personally disagree with giving up trying to do the IDEAL norm, and just doing the REAL norm. My mom for example will speed on the freeway if everyone else is speeding. If we change the speed limit to what speed people actually do most likely people will still not follow the speed limit. And everyone has certain prejudices, but that doesn't mean we should give up and tell people that it's ok to act on them since many people do. In most cases I feel that we shouldn't give up on our IDEAL norms.

  4. yea pretty much thats funny. My professor for soc is only a one of a kind professor, very liberal and encourges us to see a porno!!

  5. No, the student showed his ignorance by not giving his professor the respect his position calls for.  The student showed he has much to learn, and is closed-minded, because of his arrogance.  The student would do well to sit quietly and listen for the next several years until he learns something about respect for elders and persons in a position of authority.  This student is very ignorant, but only thinks he's smart!

  6. I'm not particularly sure if the professor got "bested." The response had nothing to do with the idea of staying in class and everything to do with the student being angry about the earlier answer.

    And frankly, the professor is right: it doesn't matter if the class wants to leave. The class is welcome to leave at any time, because they're paying for it. Whether it's the norm in any way is irrelevant to what the professor thought should be done.

  7. According to the theory ofnorms, yes he did, in fact, get the best of professor.

    The instructor had a valid point concerning education, which utlizes conformity via discipline and sacrifice, what's the point of school if you attend only to be let-out early? Rather a waste of time, no? Enjoy.

  8. No neither got the best. The students grades will reflect unresponsive, the class chose as a whole not to learn, and the Professor would not be motivated. Lose Lose.

  9. Not only did he get bested but should really take a lesson from his student.  Loose lips really do sink ships.

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