
Did this trade improve my team???

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I traded away Ichiro, Beckett, and Jeter and got Kemp and Peralta in a 10-team league.

I needed some HR power and RBIs. Also, Beckett is of no use to me since I stream every week and I was planning on dropping Jeter cuz he sucks. Also, Ichiro has some unspecified injury to his leg plus he doesn't run as much in August and September as he does in the beginning of the year.

So do you think I improved my team? I think so.




  1. If my league that trade would of got vetoed because you basically got robbed.  I would definitely say you improved the other guys team.

  2. I guess that some of these people don't really keep up with baseball. I think that you did great. There are not a lot of better real life SS than Jeter but there are a bunch of fantasy SS that I would rather have including Peralta. Kemp just keeps improving. So you got the better end of both of those comparisons. Beckett you have already dismissed.

    Yes, it improved your team.

    Good luck.

  3. i dont, you just got rid of arguably 3 of the top 10 players in the league, with different skill

  4. i think you got great! jeter and beckett are having an off year and kemp and peralta and putting up good numbers.

  5. omg...idiot. As robert b. said, you gave up 3 of the best players with different strengths. real nice.

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