
Did u ever follow someone..?????

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Did u ever follow someone..?????




  1. no not yet:)

    and thaks u for ur last advise i remembered that:)

  2. lmao yh me n my mate was followin this guy I liked from school back in year 7 but it wasnt like stalkering or anuythin lol, only like seeing what he was like.

  3. once.... 6th grade. Liked a guy. followed him around school. Not real stalking type thing

  4. alien

  5. I used to follow the guys in my Shirley classes to class because I didn't know where their classrooms were at the start of the year. I still follow them to classes when we have room changes.

    (I go to Marian College, an all girls high school but i have classes at the all boys school across the road - Shirley Boys High School).

  6. yes i do it many times

    best of luck!!

    keep smiling:)))

  7. h**l yes.

    following someone can lead you to find out the real truth about that person. IE: drug related problems. (or cheating)

  8. no thats stalking

  9. yeah...all the time. do you mean stalking? only once, it was a celebrity and i followed them into a store lol.

  10. Nope, but I've been stalked...

  11. uhh yah. i was lost and the person told me to follow them(at school)?

    but if you mean stalk... then no.

  12. I used to really follow my brother wherever he went when im in 3rd grade...

    now.. im following every1 who has good example to be followed...


    im following the example from my mom, my bestfriend, some of my friends & teachers ^^

  13. Absolutely one time. To tell this sweet lady she had her skirt tucked in the waist band of her hose. She didn't have underwear on and was mooning everyone. True. :~D

    Happy Labor Day!

    Love ya

    {{{hugs}}} <><

  14. yes i did..i liked this guy at my n my friend followed him around the compound once :)

  15. I've follow my reflection, and my reflection follows me.

  16. no unless as a kid following my mother about.  

  17. I followed several members when I am playing Kho Kho in my School days.

  18. Still...trailing...their...every...move....

  19. yes Haha

    while i was on holiday with my friends, we were following sum older guys like around 20.

    Ahhh That was Fun :)

  20. noppeee im no stalker...


  21. Back in high school my friends and I would drive around with no destination (gas was cheaper then) and pick a random car to follow around...sometimes till they got to their neighborhood. I feel bad about it now, if they realized we were following them, it must have been kind of scary.

  22. Yes... and it was lots of fun!

  23. hmmmmm no idea dear i guess my friends follows me in my childhood

  24. [b]oh yeah...i follow AvRiL lAvIgnE....she's ma idol..

  25. When I got lost in my new high school, I followed someone to Spanish.  

  26. "YA"  

  27. No, I hate being a sheep.  I want to be first.

  28. No, can't say that I have.

  29. hahaha where lol

  30. lmao yes but not in a creepy way.

    it was someone i knew, and me and my friend were just doing it to fool around

  31. NO! Im NOT a stalker! I just like to admire from afar,..behind a sign...

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