
Did u ever watch a game & after it was over u say to yourself this game didn't seem right to me or said->?

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To yourself could this game have been fixed? Not saying it is mind you but asking if that ever went through your mind.




  1. I personally believe that the umpires skew the calls to the team that is favored or the home team.  All the way back to the 60-70's umpires were giving strikes to pitchers that they thought were dominant in that game or season.  During big Mac & Sosa's HR quest, niether could be struck out!  Umpires I think sub-consiously want the team to win they feel is the better team.    

  2. Nope.  I have never really thought that a game was fixed in baseball.

  3. No.  Guess Im just not the paranoid type.  

  4. thought about it, but then i got over it

  5. there was some talk about the Yankees/Red Sox 2004 ALCS being fixed...I never bought into it, but the argument had something to do with boosting the television rating by going to 7 games instead of a 4 game sweep.

    Again, i never bought it, but it is kind of an interesting theory.

  6. Sometimes the umpires make me shake my head. Certain games it just seems like they have it out for my team. But I never actually thought it was fixed  

  7. You wont believe how many times I say that a season.

  8. Not really! But then, I reckon that stems from not being an avid watcher...

  9. last year..Phillies were playing the braves in atlanta in august and we blew a 8 run lead. in like two innings. a lot of it was errors and i couldn't believe what i was watching. the braves went on to win that game 11-8 i think was the final score.

  10. Yes; a couple of times or more.

  11. yeah there have always been some calls that arent even close and go the wrong way and everyone in t he stadium knows it except the umpire it makes you wonder some time.

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