
Did u hear what Skip Bayless said the other day on ESPN?????

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Ok if u don't know who this guy is, he is on the ESPN show 1st and 10 and hes the white guy on it that sits on the far right chair. I HATE HATE HATE this guy. The other day he was talking about Tyson Chandler's injury and he said that Tyson Chandler was the best Big man on the team. Even over Howard, Bosh ,and Boozer. That is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard. Chandler has no offensive game at all, all he can do is catch lobs and dunk it thats it. He is a good rebounder though and he is an overrated shot blocker only averaging under 2 blocks a game. What u guys think??




  1. Skip Bayless is a moron!!

    He said the Spurs would beat the Lakers last year in 5 games!!

  2. Are you FREAKIN kidding me he said that. he is better than Howard, Bosh, and Boozer?? Man these sports people on ESPN are getting more and more bias and ignorant everyday. They kinda stop lookin at the players and their skills and stats and just on who they like the most. I don't watch ESPN that much cause I think they are all crazy.

  3. Did you say Tyson Chandler was the best Big man on the "Team"?

    Anyways, Tyson really isn't.  He lacks offense, yea he can shoot 60 percent from the field, but he only takes like 8 shots a game.  He is a good rebounder due to his enormous wing span, but you did point  a good note that i have been stressing since forever adn that's Tyson is not the best shot blocker!  He doesn't even average 2 blocks!  LIke 1 and a half per game i think.  Considering his height, he should be getting 2 a game solid.  He sucks from the free throw line too.  BUt so does howard :P

  4. i agree. i cant stand skip. he says some of the dumbest things sometimes. chandler is extremely overrated. he simply reminds me of a taller ben wallace.

  5. I can't stand Skip either...I think he is very arrogant! He always feels the need to "one up" whoever he talks with or about.  Man,

    I miss Woody!!!!!  :-(

    I used to watch it faithfully until Woody left.

    Now it depends on who the guests will be, or the topics as to whether or not I will watch it...

    I whole heartedly agree with you on Chandler as well.  Have an awesome day!

  6. i hate him too, but i do like how he doesnt fall for the "lebron james is a god" drama!!

    but he is really annoying

  7. Skip Brainless

  8. he is a dork

  9. What up Mr. T,

    i too am not a big fan of Mr. Bayless.  i think that sometimes he says something just to be controversial- and that's probably how he's made his loving- by polarizing fans and insighting us up- with:  "What the heck did he just say?"  Every now and then he'll say something profound- but anyone who watches basketball knows that Between those four players- Chandler is no higher than #3.  You may give him a slight nod over Boozer because of Chandler's defensive presence... but get real over D12 and Bosh- just ridiculous.  


  10. Skip Bayless is always trying to make a silly point. Steven A. Smith makes much more sense than Skip Bayless.

  11. He has no clue what he is talking about half the time, This guy is really annoying.

  12. i have no interest in nba basketball at all, but i hate skip bayless with a passion.

    so i'm with you.

  13. Skip is a moron. Nuff said

  14. he was talkin bout centers bosh n boozer rnt centers but he is not better than dwight howard. Chandler is a top 5 center in the league though.

  15. I don't like him either but everyone have their own opinion.  There is no way anyone can prove him wrong because there is no definition of best player.  These guys are human and know basketball just as much as a fanatic fan or even less.  

    Remember when everyone picked Lakers to win the Final?  I mean what are all those guys thinking.  They were so far off and it proves that they know little about basketball.

  16. He still has a lot of potential, as does Howard and Bosh. Boozer is just leaving his prime.  Skips job is to make things interesting and making fans upset to get feedback. He is just doing his job.

  17. I think....I don't care.

  18. I think you're ready to join the "I Hate Hate Hate Skip Bayless Club." Unfortunately, there's no openings, since the club has so many members.

  19. i dont think hes the best BIG man on the team but he is the only one thats over 7 ft. and i do agree with Skip that he would be the hardest worker..just think a couple years ago he was approaching Kwame Brown status...what ever happened to Olowonkandi, the guy pick number 1 overall ahead of

  20. Yes Chandler is overrated as a shotblocker and it is not true that he better than Howard, Bosh, and Boozer. By the way Mr. T, do you live in Michigan?

  21. Skip Bayless is retarded. He doesn't kno what hes talking about. I dont really think Chandler deserves to be on this team.

  22. Bayless is doing his job if he pisses you off. A lot of lot he says is for show. He doesn't believe everything he says.

  23. skip is a dumb***.............. he always talks out of his butt.........

    Howard would own Chandler any day of the week............

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