
Did u know 50% of rape cases are false. Why the **** arent those women charged with anything ?

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Did u know 50% of rape cases are false. Why the **** arent they charged with anything ? Does anybody see anything wrong wit this?




  1. wow, where do you get your stats?!

    that is completely incorrect

    nice try, but you have to do some research to be a misogynist nowadays ;P


  3. It's a double edged sword. If women who were raped thought they might be thrown in jail for telling what happened to them (and you know sooner or later that IS what would happen) they would probably be less likely to report it. As it is there are far too many real rapes that go unreported because of all the hoopla that goes with it.

    On the other hand it's too easy for a woman to scream rape and have no repercussions even if it's proven she lied.

    The whole thing stinks.

  4. who knows but my momma always told me to never date a white girl because all they gotta do is say something and the police put ur black butt under the prision

  5. Most rapes never get reported so there's no way that statistic can be true.

  6. Good question.  Women are not charged because they have special privileges.  Men who rape sometimes get away with it.  Women who claim false charges get away with that.

  7. They can be charged.  I can't remember what the charges are, but I know that if the accussed wants to press them, it can be up to 5 years in prison or something close to that depending on what all occurred.

  8. Yes. There is something wrong and thats the way human nature is.

    Can't help it, but stay away from it.

    Have a nice day!

  9. you can be charged with falsifying a police report it just depends on if the department wants to take the time to work the paperwork

    and as far as Shannon saying your a male so you just don't know, men get raped too and it's usually from another male so she needs to shut the h**l up because women aren't the only ones who get raped

  10. Maybe because most rape cases aren't prosecuted.

    *From what I found 25 to 41% are false, 50% recanted, not necessarily false.  Hopefully new DNA testing will start to prevent innocent people from serving jail time.

  11. what's wrong wit this, is making up statistics.

  12. We don't "know" that 50% of rape cases are false.

    But what we do know is that those who are proven to be false accusers rarely get more than a slap on the wrist for turning an innocent man's life upside down.

    A man accused of rape often spends time in jail waiting for the trial.  While he's waiting there, he'll probably lose his job. His family might disown him.  His wife may leave him.  His telling what they go through.  If the allegations turn out to be false, he's already paid a heavy price for having done nothing wrong.  And then there's the issue of clearing his name when it's over...not an easy task.

    The accuser, on the other hand, generally walks free.  

    You're right, justice is not served in these cases.

  13. Guilty until proven innocent - if it involves race or s*x.

    I know this to be true, too.  There have been women who confessed at later dates for false accusations.  The men quite often were not let out of prison, or the state still prosecuted, taking it out of the hands of an "emotionally distraught" woman who "doesnt know what she's saying".  The state will take initiative, even when the primary witness / victim deny it ever happened.

    Did you know that most of the time a rape-test is inconclusive.  Even if s*x is obvious, rape cannot be determined.  If s*x is proven, its now just his-her word.  And you know which way that falls in our "non-sexist" society.  Even rough consensual s*x can yield a false-positive rape-test. And sometimes real rape victims have a false-negative.  Sometimes women make accusations after the time period that any evidence is usable or can be extracted... and then if she appears emotional enough, that is sufficient evidence.

    I would say that women who admit to lying and ruining a mans life should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  But that wouldnt give women much initiative to do the right thing, would it?

    Men who accuse women of rape are usually ignored by law. Mostly because "its impossible for force a man to get an erection."  But they are just as victimized by women who take advantage of drunkenness, who use date rape drugs, who extort.  And of course physical force, such as forced masochism (regarded as a sexual act) or object-rape.

    I mean, since when does rape consider whether or not the victim gets-off too?  All that matters is the perpetrators motives... not the gratification of the either the perp or the vic. No one asks a female victim if she "enjoyed it".  Why should a mans ability to get erect or ejaculate factor into whether he was raped or not?  If he didnt want it when it started and still didnt want it when it ended, what does his natural physiological impulses matter while in the act?  Thats biological, not psychological.  As for the perpetrator, rape is rarely ever about sexual gratification... its usually about sexual conquest, power, domination, abuse, vengeance.

    Its one thing for a woman to be mistaken about who raped her.  Its one thing for law to be mistaken about their suspect.  But its quite another for a woman to knowingly accuse the wrong man, or to accuse anybody knowing she wasnt raped.

    Did you know that when a man is arrested, and far before he is proven guilty, his name is in the media as a rapist?  And that the womans name is never listed in the media, in order to protect her identity and reputation?


    Look at Janas answer... far below me...

    "Men should be careful..."?

    Sounds like a self-righteous feminist to me... yes, its the mans fault he is falsely accused.

  14. I'd love to know where you get these statistics.

    Edit: Why the thumbs down? It's a legitimate question.

    You guys don't mind questioning stats that vilify men, but take this one as real without thinking twice.

    Very rational.

  15. Until you provide a statistic from a REPUTABLE source, I will assume you pulled this statistic out of your ****.

  16. Yes. It's wrong to waste police and sometimes the court's time on  fraudulent charges. They should be charged but rarely are.

    Meanwhile, most often times the man's life is ruined. Even if he is set free people won't trust him. He probably loses his job and good luck finding another one. If the woman wanted to get revenge for something this is how she does it knowing they won't do anything to her.

  17. I had no idea.....

    but I guess situations like that are hard to prove in either persons favour.

  18. No, I did not know that, because it isn't true.  Where did you get that bogus statistic?

  19. The real cases of rape that are reported or not far outweigh the false accusation of rape.  Men should be careful before they intend to do something they may regret.

  20. Actually, I know that in Israel women will rape prisoners.  I'm dead serious; because the way they are masculinized in the Israeli army, they are very agressive sexually, and sometimes during an interrogation when a tough looking sargeant is done beating the c**p out of a Palestinian prisoner just to feel powerful a female soldier will, ah, "rape" him.

    Why aren't women charged with anything?

    Actually, in south africa many women have been arrested and thrown in jail for rape.  They usually travel as armed gangs, and as many are infected with HIV, naturally the male victims are all unwilling.  No joke man; crime in south africa is so bad, chicks will rape guys!  I talked to a dude from there who escaped by studying hard and getting a scholarship for grad school at WSU.  Nice guy too, one of those people who was always smiling.

    Another reason he left is because he told me he couldn't stand the white people there (by the way, he was white).

    So, contrary to your assumptions depending on circumstance, although rare yeah, women can be charged, tried, and convicted for it, and regarding U.N. human rights issues female Israeli soldiers have been repeatedly condemned for the way they act around prisoners, stating that their religious beliefs makes any unwilling intimate experiences traumatic.

    Problem is here in the west no one sees it that way.

    Also, as to "50% of cases" false I wouldn't go that far.  I would go further and say the number is closer to 90%.

    As a general rule, where there is an accusation, there is malice on the part of a woman, like when white women used to summon lynch mobs.  In cases where it DOES happen, a woman won't have the courage to do any accusing in the first place because of the trauma and fear.

    Following me?

    It gets even worse though; the biggest rapists, as a group of males, is almost always white athletes or politicians, but how many of them do you see in prison?

    I have observed that the majority of white women are quicker to accuse an-affair-with-a-latino-or-black-dude gone bad of rape, than a white guy of power or who is a pro athlete, or actor.  Think about it.

    It would not surprise me if the majority of those cases were proven false, many of the women conniving enough to make such accusations and actually make things worse for real victims for not taking the crime seriously often make those accusations for the sake of preventing the social embarassment of having the world know they went to bed, in a "moment of weakness" with a total loser, or a minority no one thinks very highly of.

    As to why they aren't charged with anything, do not forget the divisions of race and class in this country so even if you did, it would not help very much.

    The word of a white woman against a minority male who never even touched her is worth enough to get you thrown in prison, the word of a black or latin woman though isn't worth a d**n.  Like it all ultimately matters though;

    A native american shaman had a vision, in which the great spirit predicted the eventual collapse of this country, and the return of these lands to their rightful owners.

    as they say, nitzvan!

  21. They are charged. If I'm not mistaken, one of the charges is perjury. along with a some other things that lands them time in jail. It may not be as much time in jail as if the man was convicted of the crime, but they do end up having a criminal record and serving some time.

    And where did you get your stats of 50% of the rape cases being false? Can you give me the link to that website, or tell me where you gahtered this informatoin?

  22. It always have been that way!They should be jailed and made to pay some sort of fine.If you tarnish a person's reputation,you should pay a price for it?

  23. i no know

  24. The end result of decades of political correctness and militant feminism.  Not to mention, girls have a sense of entitlement now, more than even, when it comes to this kind of thing.  They can use their body and their s*x to hurt people and get away with anything.

  25. I think that they aren't false, they are just looked over lightly. And more of those cases AREN'T reported and are ignored. So if you ask me, you need to shut up because you are a male and you don't know what the h**l you are talking about.

  26. Rape cases are very hard to prove...How do you know they were false, or there just wasn't any hardcore evidence? Ignorant judges have ruled "not guilty" over minor things like the victim wearing tight jeans (some judge thought tight jeans are too hard to pull off during rape).

  27. Probably because the person saying they were raped were scared about admitting to something else. eg...they did sleep with an older guy and got pregnant. If someone is doing it just to be hurtful then they should have some consequences. But most rape cases are never reported because of shame or because the victim feels it was their fault.

  28. They are charged if there is enough evidence, and it wasn't just lack of evidence that made them "false".

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