
Did we actually land on that moon???????

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some people think that it was done in a studio so did we really land on the moon or was it all fake.




  1. yes, we really did.

  2. The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

  3. It was as fake as the Phoenix Lights.

  4. It was all real. I was in high school during the Apollo missions and if you were born after that you have no idea what a big deal it was. No way all that was faked. Far FAR more than a few pictures and videos would have to have been faked.

  5. It was very real. Look at footage of the Lunar Rover. See the way the dust if kicks up goes up and then back down in a parabolic curve? This shows that there's no atmosphere (if you did the same thing on Earth, you would create a dust cloud).

    It would be impossible to replicate this behaviour on Earth unless the studio was a complete vaccuum.

  6. of course we did! i think this question is becoming very unpopular in this category

  7. who says this? some moron?

    project apollo landed 12 ppl on the moon between 1969 and 1972. it happened. deal with it. please refrain from insulting the efforts of the half million ppl who worked their butts off to make it happen.

    do you actually know anything about this subject? or are you just repeating garbage others have told you?

  8. You can fake the video.

    You can fake the photography

    You can fake launches and just orbit Earth.

    You can fake missions.

    You can fake the astronauts to say whatever.

    But one thing you cannot fake is the moon rocks.

    Science does not lie.

    I use to believe it was all a hoax, but the reality is that it's real. We did land on the moon.

    Yes we did, and we are preparing to go back and then Mars!

  9. This question again???!!!! This is the 10th time in a month.

    Yes. I promise you we did. I watched it live on 07-20-69. America was SO proud that year. It was awesome!!!!

  10. think agout it for a minute

    the US is in a cold war with the USSR

    the moon landing was supposed to be of political gain--to say that the US had the edge in technology

    the USSR had the edge after the launch of Sputnik

    whoever got to the moon first would claim better engineers, better R&D, better missiles, better etc...

    and if it was faked, the other side would have the technology to know it was so.

    afterall, the Cosmodrome in the USSR was known by the US because the US tracked the USSR's satelite launches.

    since the USSR never claimed it was a fake,  it was either real, or a VERY good forgery

    and if it was a forgery, why did they do it SIX times?

    wouldnt one fake be good enough?

    so what do you think?

  11. some people think it was done in a studio?

    right at this moment, there is someone somewhere holding up a sign that says "THE WORLD ENDED YESTERDAY", so don't hold "some people" as too good of an authority.

    What I would LOVE someone to explain to me, is why ANYONE would point at the FLAG the astronauts planted and say it was evidence of ANYTHING!  "Duh flag was waving the breeze"  and yet they say it was filmed INSIDE A STUDIO?  I guess the giant WIND MACHINE was just there for that SOUTH SEA shot they were doing in the morning?

    "There ain't nuthing like a dame..."

    <everyone dance, you all know this one!>

  12. The only thing more bizarre than this (oft repeated) question is the fact that I am responding to it ---yet again. There is no doubt that we landed on the moon---several times!

    The Soviets would have called our bluff had it been staged.

    They were 'watching' it every klick of the journey.

  13. it was real. i'm usually open minded about political issues, but on this one i am very close minded. there is an enormous amount of scientific evidence backing it up.

    with achievement always comes speculation. all the theories people have, or their so called "evidence" are very week, and the logic is extreamily flawed.

    hundreds of people were there, by the lanch site, when the rocket was thrusted up to space. they saw the astronautes get on. they saw them take off.

    and the russians were watching the footage that we were taking from the moon. if anyone was going to jump on the idea that the moon landing was fake, they would've been the first one. the russians were watching us like a hawk- the analyzed video, audio, and the radiosignal strength. they proved that the video signal was infact coming from the moon.

    people also say that if we landed on the moon, we should be able to see the flag. that idea is extreamily flawed. the most powerful telescope on earth only gets football field resolution. that basically means that every pixel... every little different colored block... is equivilent to the an area the size of a football field on the moon. if the flag was the size of a football field, we would still have a very hard time seeing it unless we deeply analyzed all the photos. and we all know that flag wasn't the size of a football field. they also talk about how the flag was waving. true, there is no air on the moon, but there are lunar winds that are basically gusts of microscopic parts of dust caused by pressure changes. that caused the flag to wave. but thats not the only reason why the flag moved. the moon has only .17 of earth's gravitational force. the flag is moving up, and the moon is pulling it back down causing it to stand like this:




    there were also ripples created by the same process.

    other people say it wasn't true because we coudln't see stars in the sky. the moon's surface is highly reflective. the light, and the technology of the time, made it hard... if not impossible to see the stars. there is actually more light polution on the surface of the earth than in my neighborhood. and like i said, the cameras weren't exactly state of the art. not only did they have to capture the moon, but inturn it had to be transmitted 250,000 miles back to earth, and then be broadcasted to all the stations featuring it, and then again broadcasted to all the tv's watching that channel. and the tv's weren't that good either!

    so yes, the moon landing was real.

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