
Did we do the right thing with this baby bird?

by Guest67152  |  earlier

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Today my mom and I saw a little baby bird (still feather-less, eye's closed...) on the ground at my grandma's house. We picked it up, and put it in the most nearby nest. There was another baby bird already in it too. It was the only one around there, we looked everywhere for another nest.

We think it was a robin's nest we put it in, because we saw a mommy robin nearby.

There is a chance the bird we found and put in the robin's nest WASN'T a robin.

I know some birds will abandon the nest if they see a different bird in it rather than their own.




  1. well not really because the most comon birds are robins and sparrows so its one of those 2

  2. Well most mother birds will feed ANY bird in their nest. There's a chance that she'll abandon, but not a big one. Have you heard of...cowbirds, I think they're called? They lay their eggs in nests with other eggs, and their chick will kick all the other birds out of the nest at some point. The mother ends up caring for a bird that isn't her own. So I'm pretty sure that you did the right thing. Of course there's a still chance the bird will die from internal injuries, but you've done all you could.

  3. i think u did the right thing. help animals in need

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