
Did we ever land on the moon!?

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Just wondering i have a huge intrest in space.So ya some people saying its fake , some sayings we did go to the moon. Please tell me what you think.




  1. No it is not a hoax. Watch tv the proof is on there. They always have specials about it on the science channel.

  2. Yes, we landed on the Moon.  The evidence is squarely in favor of it.

    Notice the responded who disagrees.  He can't help but bring up all the other conspiracy theories: JFK and 9/11.  This is the conspiracy mindset.  EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

    Shadows going everywhere?  No explanation why?  My explanation has been online for ten years.  The conspiracy theorists ignore it because they don't want to know.  They prefer to believe in the conspiracy.  Any photographer or architect can tell you why the shadows don't go the way conspiracists naively think they should.  There have been literally dozens of photographers who have replicated -- quite easily -- the so-called impossible Apollo shots using only natural sunlight.  Basically the conspiracy theorists don't know a single thing about photography or photographic analysis:  and they expect YOU not to know anything either, so you don't catch them.

    Wires?  Recently surfaced footage?  That footage has been around since the early 1970s.  The conspiracy theorists are the only ones who have "recently" discovered it, only because they're having to scramble for new material.  The "wires" are, for the most part, the astronauts' radio antennas catching the sunlight.  The conspiracists don't bother to see whether there's something there besides a wire.

    It's silly because although I'm an engineer by profession, I work also a lot in semi-professional theater.  I've built flyrigs before.  The cables you use to fly actors in movies and on stage is carbon-coated and anodized black, so it's almost completely invisible.  It doesn't glint in the light, as the conspiracy theorists say is happening in the Apollo video.  That stuff has been around since the 1920s.  You can't see the wires in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (1968, with better cameras and film than Apollo had), and you can barely see them in the Wizard of Oz (1939).  So clearly the conspiracy theorists don't know anything about stage flying either.

    And the astronaut who is "pulled up?"  Funny how no one can actually point to the wire that's supposedly pulling the astronaut up.  The conspiracists just infer that there "must" be a wire because the astronaut moves upward too easily.  BECAUSE HE'S IN LOWER GRAVITY!

    I've made a very careful and thorough study of the Moon hoax conspiracy theories for the past nine years:  they are total ignorant hogwash.

  3. Where have you been???  google it, the answer is YES....

  4. I don't think anyone has ever set foot on the moon, to be honest. If you see the video footage of the "moon landings" there are many things which don't add up, for example the shadows seem to be all over the place and no one has ever really given a proper explanation as to why. Also, factor in that a lot of footage which recently surfaced has shown the astronauts being moved about with wires...not true like one person said that special effects weren't so good...they wouldn't need to be. Wires have been used in martial arts movies since before then, just look at Bruce Lee movies. There is a piece of footage, and if you Google it, you will probably find it, where by mistake the person controlling the wire pulls one of the astronauts up when he fell...the only problem is he did it before the astronaut tries to get he's practically flying. This footage is pretty famous and to me proves without a shadow (excuse the pun) of a doubt that the moon "landings" were completely fake.

    You can believe the moon landings were real, just like Oswald shot Kennedy...but the evidence points against this.

    A lot of people here would believe anything they show on TV. Any wonder 9/11 happened? Until people like that exist where they take TV images religiously...there will always be governments playing with our minds.

  5. Yes we did. Spare us.

  6. Which is more probable?

    We went to the moon with less computer power than a modern digital watch, and we're going back. Then off to Mars, and later Zeta Reticuli.


    Your government has sold you out and plans to force this on you soon:

  7. I can see by the thumbs that the number of ignorant, misguided, gullible people around here is increasing.  Three down-thumbed the one that gave the Clavius site link.  I wonder if any of them have ever studied the stuff there.  It would be very revealing.  It PROVES that the hoax theorists are idiots and don't have a clue what they are talking about.  Now I suppose you people who believe in this ridiculous hoax nonsense are disturbed by this.  Have you ever considered abandoning your religious fervor for the works of three non-credentialed morons, choosing the truth instead?  Or are you so addicted to conspiracy theories and opportunities to sound like you have the inside scoop, that you can't see simple truths when they are presented to you?

    Facts are facts, despite the rantings of ill-informed and ill-motivated hoax theorists.  We went to the moon.

    Lola, your boyfriend, (if he is what you say), doesn't know squat.  Bart Sibrel is a filmmaker, too, and is largely responsible for this unfortunate myth. He's also an uncredentialed, arrogant, contemptible boor. Find me a physicist or aerospace engineer who believes this hoax garbage.  Go study the clavius site, where each of these hoax claims is systematically and unequivocably debunked.  Or Phil Plait's Bad Astronomy page. He's a real astronomer, like some of the people here. Tell me what you think, then.

    Sputnik, I guarantee you that anybody who says the images don't "add up," has no relevant degrees, no relevant experience, and essentially no knowledge at all, of aerospace engineering, astronomy, or physics.  All they know is what other pedestrians tell them, what they find on conspiracy web sites, what they read in a book written by an idiot who lies about his credentials, and what they saw in a stupid documentary on Fox.  Now since this applies to you, how do you figure I knew that? Just ask yourself: "How did Brant know that about me?"

  8. yeah -- young people are silly that way.

  9. Absolutely.

    Not only all the "evidence" that says it's fake can be explained away, but can also prove that the lunar landings did happen.

    One bit of evidence that proves fake says no flame at the bottom of the lander.  BUT for there to be a visible flame or a smoke trail like on a shuttle or jet plane, there has to be atmosphere.  Proving that there is a vacuum present.

    Also, astronomers can tell exactly how far away the moon is down to the centimetre, and know that the moon is moving away from us a few inches a year.  They do this by using a laser that reflects off of a mirror the Apollo astronauts left on the moon.  PROOF that it did happen.

  10. yes we landed on the moon.

    Neil Amstrong landed on July 22th 1969 !

    Amaizing !

  11. Yes, we landed.  6 missions, from 1969 through 1972.  It wasn't a fake, it wasn't a hoax.  

  12. YES.  

    It's amazing that the ridiculous rumor of a hoax is still circulating after forty years!!  Rent "In the Shadow of the Moon" if you haven't seen it yet.  It is an amazing documentary of the NASA moon program and has interviews with the astronauts.  You won't think it's a fake once you listen to the passion in their voices about seeing the Moon from space.

  13. By "we" do you mean you and i?....because i know i've never been to the moon.

  14. We went to the moon... In 1969... (:

  15. The Apollo 11 crew deployed a reflector array in the Sea of Tranquility, which is still being used today to reflect laser beams sent from Earth.  By beaming laser pulses at the reflector, scientists are able to measure the time taken for the round trip and therefore determine the distance between the two bodies to an accuracy of about 3 cm.  Other reflectors were added later by the Apollo 14 and 15 missions.

    It is a testable and undeniable fact that these reflectors exist on the lunar surface, however, if further proof is needed, a satellite is currently under construction in preparation for the next manned missions to the Moon.  When launched, this will orbit the Moon and map the entire surface to an accuracy of a couple of metres which will actually be able to show the many items left behind by the Apollo missions.  I’m sure even this won’t stop the conspiracy theorists, but it should satisfy any sane person.

    See for an explanation of all the common conspiracy theories.

  16. We landed on the moon in 1969. The videos were on national television.  In 1969 editing was not too advanced so I don't think it could have been a hoax.

  17. Yes, you people landed............the Lord caught your spacecraft & lifted it up all the way to should thank Him.


  19. yes

  20. Oh yes, we certainly did, 12 of the bravest American astronauts walked there.

    The evidence is overwhelming

    There are plenty of web sites that support the fact that we went there.

    It was an amazing accomplishment, so amazing in fact that some 35 years later a whole group of misinformed people would claim that it never happened.

    This is the problem with misinformed people:



  21. Yes, we do.


  22. This isn't a matter for opinion.  The Apollo program is as real as it gets.  I see no reason to provide proof.  If you actually had a "huge interest in space" you would not have been taken in by such a silly hoax.  Too many people's huge interest in space involves "Star Wars",  "Star Trek", or a host of bad science fiction movies.  These shows are entertaining but they are not science.  There are far better sources if you are actually interested. See a librarian for some suggestions.  

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