
Did we ever officially declare a war on Iraq? Or is it simply a military occupation?

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Did we ever officially declare a war on Iraq? Or is it simply a military occupation?




  1. Yes...and a lot of Dems supported it...

    and I'm a Dem...but an honest Dem

  2. We did not. We're there to uphold some UN sanctions. (VERY QUESTIONABLE) Sanctions that expire in it a coincidence everybody is talking about leaving now? No it is not.

  3. we officially declare war! by congress!

  4. You are a liberal fool, living in the past...America is wrapping up this Iraq thing with success and victory. What`s your problem ? Start looking ahead.

  5. We did not declare war, we are enforcing UN sanctions.

  6. Did we declare war on Vietnam and Korea,

    In 1968 16,000 Americans were killed in that year alone,

    And the war lost by Democrat "War Povers Act" look it up,

  7. Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. It gave President Bush the authority use military force in Iraq, though it wasn't technically a Declaration of War.

  8. its the war on terrror, iraq is one front. we are also in afdanistan, sudan and the philipines

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