
Did we evolve from chimpanzees?

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Did we evolve from chimpanzees?




  1. no, but we do have a common ancestor and our behavior is remarkebly similar.

  2. we evolved from the cro-magnons you homo... sapien!

  3. Nope.  I believe God made us all.  Love and Light.

  4. i think my son-inlaw did.

  5. As stated previously, the answer is no.  I think there is more evidence that chimps evolved from bipeds than there is that humans evovled from knucklewalkers.  We clearly evolved from a common ancestor that was not human or chimp.  Clearly its brain was more like a chimp.  DNA studies indicate the common ancestor to be 5 to 6 million years old.  We have bipeds that old, Sahelanthropus and Orrorin so it becomes possible that Chimps and Gorrilas evolved knucklewalking independently.  Perhaps there was a bipedal ape that lived 7 to 8 million years ago that also evolved into a knucklewalker.  The last common ancestor likely looked a lot like Australopithecus Afarensis since it probably wasn't too far removed from the split.  Most paleoanthropologist (I am not one) would disagree with me and insist that the last common ancestor was a knucklewalker.  

  6. No. We evolved from a common ancestor species to both chimps and humans (and also bonobos). That ancestor lived 4 to 5 million years ago.

  7. Nope.  We (and they) evolved from another sort of ape like creature yet to be discovered.  The so called missing link.

  8. you've opened a big can of worms.

    If you believe in creationism, there is no relationship between man and apes. Period!

    If you believe in evolution, this is another question. As to if we evolved from

    We may be very very distant cousins of chimpanzees, but only because we 'may' have a common ancestor. In other words, if we evolved, they must have also.

    The theory that humans and chimpanzees shared a most recent common ancestor about 6-7 million years ago is the most popular evolutionary model in the literature on human evolution. The model is primarily based on genetic similarity while morphological evidence is comparatively weak.

    Now the big question. Which is correct...evolution or creation?

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