
Did we learn ............. ?

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Of course we did. we put a republican in charge




  1. An exerpt from the article - "Barack Obama expressed hope Saturday that the lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina three years ago would help to protect the Gulf Coast from Hurricane Gustav this time. His running mate, Joe Biden, urged people to pray that the levees in New Orleans hold. "  Now, to comment on your posting.  1) Maybe, and then again maybe not.  Despite New Orlean's best efforts at repairing the levees, the final work is not scheduled to be completed until the year 2012.  And, from what I remember, the first section of New Orleans to be restored was the French Quarters, which is where the abomination Mardi Gras is held each year.  2) Instead of encouraging people to pray for the levees to hold, he needs to be encouraging them to turn from their wickedness and turn back to God.  That's my two cents-worth.  {{{Add - I agree with what you said, and the article doesn't say that Obama or Biden were going to be praying, it only said Biden was encouraging others to pray - kind of a "do as I say, not as I do" kind of comment}}}

  2. Obama is swirling down the drain.

    McCain/Palin '08

  3. 10-4 10-4


  4. Sorry, this question doesn't make sense........... But maybe, that's because I just woke up, and I do have a little head ache.

  5. sweetie pie , we did learn and this is why we need to get control of the white house in november , and get congress back also. we need to get back to our roots. we need to bring God back into our government , stop killing  unborn babies  , and get morals back into society. stop the blame everyone but yourself attitudes and take personal responsibility !! McCain / Palin 2008 . i feel energized now , and ready for this election !!

  6. Bingo! We know where the beef is.

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