
Did we really come from monkeys?

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Did we really come from monkeys?




  1. Nope!  If so, where in the h**l did my tail go, it's for balance, and I need balance.  Thank you God, I don't have a hairy body, too much work with the all the fleas, mites, mange, and lice.

  2. No, humans evolved from the great ape line &  humans are the last of the bipedal ape line,  we are technically apes but if you think the creationists are in an uproar now, just tell them they are apes.  Monkeys came from the prosimians & apes appear to have evolved from monkeys.

  3. No.

  4. Our last monkey ancestors were 22 million years ago.

  5. We came from creatures that are not unlike living monkeys and certainly would be classified as one.  These monkeys grew larger and tailess and were classified as apes.  Over millions of years, some of these apes became proficient as walking upright and became hominids and some of these hominids became intelligent and became us.

  6. Evolution states that we have a common ancestor, not that we came from monkeys.

    People who say that evolution states we came from monkeys just wants to frighten religious people and discredit evolution.

    The problem comes from a general lack of understanding of what the word "Theory" means.

    Theories like gravity, relativity and evolution all undergo the same rigorous process.

    A "Scientific Theory" is an explanation or model based on observation, experimentation, and reasoning, especially one that has been tested and confirmed as a general principle helping to explain and predict natural phenomena.

    Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts.

    A regular theory, one that is not scientifically based is defined by Merriam Webster as:

    1: the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another

    2: abstract thought : speculation

    I believe most creationists chose to believe that scientific theories fall under the 2nd definition, which would be wrong.

    Although, to date, I do not know of anyone who has debated the theory of gravitation, and that is just a theory.

  7. Not monkeys, no.  Ancient apes, and yes there IS a difference.

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