It seems they fight with us, or we fight with them in almost every war. It seems that we are the only two countries that have a high rate of broken families and domestic issues. It seems that we are the only two countries that like to invade and impose our lifestyle upon other countries. And it also seems that there is a new obsession with the English in the media and everywhere else. On the internet, I swear you find them in a lot of workshops, or even policing forums for proper grammar. But in the media, you have them all over the place. American Idol's Simon, Who's Got Talent's, (well I forget his name, but he's the British meanie on the panel of judges), So you Think You Can Dance's (I forget his name too), h**l's Kitchen's Chef Ramsey, on Oprah Winfrey's show (The Big Give) (I forget his name, but he's also British, and he's on the panel of judges), and now even the Bachelor is from England, in The Bachelor (London Calling). What's with the new wave of British, English arrogance? Is America full of Masochists? Did we really win the revolutionary war?