
Did we start the poor guy too soon? Kindergarten, that is!?

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We started our 5 year old in kindergarten this year. He had a year of preschool, and everyone thought he was ready, both academically and socially. Now we are about 2 weeks into it, and he is hating it. He has become clingy, something NOT typical for him, ever. He cries every day, saying it is too long, which at 8am to 3pm everyday, it could be!. His sleep pattern has changed and he is moodier than usual. I am thinking he needs another year of preschool before he starts, but my mom, who is a special ed teacher with 30+ years experience thinks he may still be adjusting. The teacher is rather non committal when we ask what she thinks, saying only that he has a hard time transitioning from one activity to another, but that she does not view this as a serious problem. I don't like the changes I see in his behavior, but want to give him time to get used to it. Anyone else have this type of dilemma? How long did you give it before changing gears? He just turned 5 in the middle of July.




  1. To my understanding, I went a month and a half crying every morning when my Mom dropped me off for kindergarten.

    I turned out well enough.

    At some point, he will have to get used to it.  If not this year, then next, or next, etc.  That is what school is, and that is what work is.  

    But perhaps a visit to the pediatrician and see if the pediatrician has ideas on how to deal with this...

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