
Did you Enjoy Highschool (for anyone)?

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For currents highschoolers or people who already graduated ... etc...




  1. i miss it.

    wish i could go back.

  2. I loved my freshmen year.

    Sophmore year was cool too, joined a lot activies.

    Junior year, alright, but some of my friends moved away.

    Senior year. Long and worrisome trying to figure out the future.

    If I had to grade it, It be like a B+

  3. Some of it, yes. Most of it, no. I have no desire to go back to that time period. Graduated in 87.

  4. its awesome! especially after finding out about my classes today.(=

    its just.. the best haha

    its better when theres no drama though. thats what sucks, but currently theres none so its all good

    look at the hater below me. lol

  5. I did not enjoy high school much.  My high school was barely a school at all.  It was more of a day club where people went to hang out and hook up.  The school was very underfunded and most of teachers stopped caring a long time ago.  Students sold drugs and gambled in the bathrooms and stairways.  I wrote for the school paper, but when us writers criticized the school, the principal shut it down and fired our journalism teacher.  Basically, I just used the easy cirriculum to pad my GPA so I could get a college scholarship and never looked back.  The school is closed now.

  6. No it was a big waste of my time.

  7. Not so years of your life my ***.

  8. It was okay,lots of rude people and drama I've encountered, way better than my middle school years but my Freshman year was my best, the other years not so much including my senior year.My senior year wasn't what it was hyped up to be,at least for me.It was okay.

  9. no i was emo in highschool tho it didn't show by the way i dressed.

  10. yea i had a blast at hs. i graduated last year. i miss the sneaking around trying not to get in trouble and fighting to get through the hallway and all the teachers who actually knew my name and wat i was about unlike college it blows!!! and i miss all my friends in high skool now thers hardly any left. So yes i did enjoy it and i miss it i would take another couple years :)

  11. high school is ok.

  12. Uh, no.

  13. No, I spent the whole 4 years high and basically threw away my education.

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