
Did you Ever loose a pet? POLL: ?

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Did you Ever loose a pet? POLL: ?




  1. Yes. 4 months ago I lost my pet Sweetie. I miss her like no one else.

  2. Nope, never. We always look after our pets.

  3. Yes. New Year's Eve 2006 Kitty died. It was the saddest New Year's Eve ever. Losing a pet is almost like losing a member of your family. He was with us for four years. He was having an operation to remove a urinary tract blockage in the vets and had a heart attack there...We still have Ellie his mother, but they have very different personalities. He was much more affectionate...

  4. Yes unfortunatly I lost My gorgeous rabbit I had for 8 years he was fab and one night he just dissapered, he always had the run of the garden (theres no other dangerous animals about), I think he went off on a little adventure!!! Miss that bunny!!

    I also had 2 blackmoor fish which I had in my shed (its like an out house) and one morning I went to feed them and they had both vanished and they did not flip out of thier bowl because i looked every were for them......that was very strange still bugs me now...

  5. Do you mean 'loose a pet' as in a pet has been lost or ran away?

    Did you mean 'loose a pet' as in the death of your pet?

  6.   i lost a few pet in my life

  7. Yes my cat turned out he got hit by a car.  

  8. Yeah it was horrible :[

    You can read about it more on my website..


  9. yes in past

    1. is a puppy that i found it on the side road near my home, i pet it for 2 months till i went to the trip with my relatives when i back home i found it gone later i knew that my mom was took it away at the temple coz she hate that dog. its sad and made me really mad at her!! but she didnt tell me where the dog was.

    2. the squirrel , i pet it for about 4 months and decide to let it go in the garden in my aunt house so.. everything sound fine a month later aunt told me it dead .. as its so friendly and the dog there wanna play with it but it made the squirrel dead... huh i was so sad and miss it sometimes till now ..  

  10. Yes, three dogs through I childhood and a fair few tropical fish over the years.

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