
Did you agree with Kasey Kahne yesterday during the rain delay?

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He said he had the best car, or the fastest car. Did you think he did, or were you surprised he said that?




  1. So, he had confidence.

    Good for him.

    I wish more drivers had thoughts like that. maybe we would see some better racing instead of complaining afterwards that their shoes were too tight, panties got bunched up, etc.

    It does not matter who HAD the fastest car, only who crossed the finish line FIRST.

  2. He might be a bit too confident...bad pit strategy late in the race.

  3. he did have a fast race car but,the rain kinda ruined it for him.Carl edwards prob had the best car out there

  4. I thought the fastest car won the race Edwards over took Johnson who seemed to have a good car Martin should have won he had pit problems all day

  5. I think Kasey did have the best car on Sunday just not the best pit strategy. If they could have got that figured out #9 would have been sitting pretty.

  6. Every car that got out front had an advantage. When Mark, Jimmie, Kasey, and Carl (Flipper) got out front they all ran off from the second place car. It also was a matter of how the track changed from when the sun was shinning, then shade, and then the rain changing the grip of the track.

    When he was out front he probably was the fastest. He just wasn't fastest all day. I think Mark Martin holds that record without a doubt.

  7. I heard him say that his car was second to Carl Edwards' car. I don't think he did have the fastest car. I would say Mark Martin had a pretty fast car though!

  8. no i did not

  9. Just went back to the tape and looked at the rain delay. To be fair, he said that he had the 2nd best car out there to Carl Edwards, but they could make the 9 car better, but it would still be close between the 99 and the 9.

    My attention was brought to him quite a bit, (do to my sister trying to rub it in my face that he was doing better than my favorite driver, so everytime he passed a car, I knew about it). He did have a very strong car, but he was right; he was running second to Edwards.

  10. I think whoever was out front at the time had the fastest car pretty much all day. It seemed to be about track position the whole race and unless you had an absolutely awesome car it was hard for anyone to move through the pack. But he did have a pretty solid car all day and if his strategy would have worked out for him I think it would have been hard for Edwards or anyone else to get passed him.

  11. He was right up there with Mark and Carl as far as lap speeds.  It was the same car he dominated with at the June race.  There were times when Denny and Jimmie had really good cars for parts of the race as well.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  12. Yeah but many of them say that regardless of where they were on the track when the delay came or when they were wrecked etc.....

    "It was pretty obvious we were the car to beat"...etc...

    I wasn't surprised he said it but no he didn't have the fastest car.  

  13. Over all I think Mark Martin had the car to beat

  14. of corse i dont agree with him because he is not the one who won Carl Edwards did  

  15. he did had a fast car but 99 had a bette car i wasn't surprise thast he said that i don't thank he made it up  

  16. At times it did look he had the best and fastest car. That does not suprise me in the least that he said that.  to win races, you have to have a lot of confidence in the equipment you drive.  

  17. He did have the best car on the track most of the day.  I watched lap times and he was the fastest car on the track more times than not.  He and Carl Edwards flip-flopped back and forth.

    I was getting angry all day because the announcers were not speaking of him at all.  Then they went on to talk about "stealing a win."  I don't consider it stealing when he was one of the fastest!

    His team only took 2 tires once (well, twice I guess- one time being that quick green flag stop for gas at the end), so he always restarted about 12th, which is why many people didn't realize how good his car was.

    I think finishing 7th while taking an extra pit stop under GREEN shows how good he really was!  (He would have finished 9th if people hadn't ran out of gas).

  18. He had a fast car.But Carl Edwards and Mark Martin also had a fast car.

  19. I don't know if he had the best car but he sure was quick.  When he went in for that last pit with 15 laps to go, he came out of pit road 17th place I think it was and he still was able to battle back to the 7th spot.  Really nice job.

  20. He had a fast car but nobody could stop that 99 he had a h**l of a car.

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