
Did you all see how much Security has been set up in Denver?

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Wow....I didn't know America was so full of

evil we needed millions of dollars of security in

armor and masks in Denver to protect the

Democratic Convention. What a huge waste

of money. Quit that junk and see what happens...I don't think anything evil would happen. Do you?




  1. Yes...well as republicans have proven with all of the hate and bile they spew on YA, they are some very evil minded people. All that security is needed because who knows if one of those republicans will muster up the backbone to make good on their "threats" against obama.

  2. Just as much money will be spent on security for the RNC. If you knew what really goes on with threats etc. you would understand the need for such things.

  3. Those "robocops" in the black armor is a sign of things to come, I fear. Very, very ominous presence there in Denver. d**n, was that necessary? Kids probably love it, far more threatening that SS troopers in old movies. God only knows what sort of weapons they had on hand. OMG.

  4. Without that protection I do think something might happen as if it did all h**l would break lose and KAYOS would last longer then law so I agree with the overkill of security chow mss sweetbutter..F.P

  5. You can't trust democrats. The people of Denver must be made to feel safe.

  6. They wouldn't have to spend that much if the Republicans would stop assassinated everyone that steps on their toes.

  7. Um, well personally, yes I do. Obama is hated by A LOT of people. You would be surprised by what could happen. All of that security wouldn't be there unless he had gotten a whole lot of threats. They need the security if they actually want him to live to election day.  

  8. I imagine that a really organized group, if it decided to attack the Democratic Convention, could still do so. All those security guards in all that armor would be torn to shreds by a group of terrorists armed with simple army-style mortars, firing from behind buildings a few blocks away.

    I don't mean that they would get away afterward. No, the police would probably kill them after an exchange of gunfire. But a terrorist group that put their mission first, willing to die for their cause, could get their jobs done.

    The problem with dissident Americans is that they are neither organized nor, really, committed to the purpose for which they ostensibly gather. The so-called "hate groups" are mostly social clubs that use anti-Establishment sentiments as a way of showing that they belong. After that, though, most "neo-n***s" and such are simply after money, or dates with members of the opposite s*x, or social status (I'm the leader!) or some combination of those.

    In the crunch, when the moment comes when they must either commit themselves or abandon their purpose, these dissident group, most of them, will abandon their purpose. They will cover their retreat with a lot of aggressive talk about what they're gonna do "next time," but when next time comes, they'll back off again. They're cowards who want to feel brave, who want to posture as rebels, but who don't want to get into any real legal trouble or physical danger.

    Worse for them, these so-called patriots can't even trust each other enough to conspire together. Since more than half of them are in "the movement" for selfish reasons, about the same proportion would betray and denounce a comrade in order to get a reward or a bounty. White nationalism is full of people who spend their time waiting for one of their fellows to stick his neck out, to make himself politically vulnerable to blackmail. And virtually all of them conflate their personal interests with those of "the cause."

    None of these groups represents any serious threat the the Establishment. As much as the media or the politicians might want people to believe otherwise, the fact is that they're all just so much big talk. However, an organized and really committed group could tear apart the Democratic Convention and kill most of the people there, and the protection you saw wouldn't be of much avail.

  9. I also think the amount spent on that Demcratic convention, especially the money of transferring the ENTIRE thing over to a new venue on the last day just for a speech, was pretty outrageous, considering how the Demcrat's are crying about how horrible the economy is and how Americans are hurting.

  10. you are a ******* idiot

  11. Bin Laden would love nothing better than to take out the Democrats (who will actually catch him and bring him to justice) and see the Republicans (who are in his hip pocket) win so he can run free, and unobstructed for another for years, worming his way to Pakistans Nukes and kill us all.

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