
Did you ask your parents if you could start shaving or did you just start?

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I've read a few questions on here "My mom won't let me shave.." so I was just wonderin, did you ask or did you just start?




  1. I asked. I was broke and didn't have the money to buy razors, so I just asked my mom. She told me that once you start you can't stop but I already had hairy legs so I didn't care and she took to buy a razor the next day.

  2. I just started.Becareful hurts when u cut urself.

  3. I just start. My parents leave their razors everywhere in the bathroom, so it wasn't hard at all to snatch one. If I HAD to ask I don't think my parents would care.

  4. I asked and then she showed me how.  

  5. i don't see what the big deal is.....its just hair.

  6. i just started at about 11 as i new my mum would be ok with it and i felt a bit 'uncomfortable' to talk to her about it.

  7. i snuck my mom and sisters razors then i asked.

    when your at the store just say, mom can i get a razor i really need one and if she says no say well i really want one because i dont feel clean anymore with all the hair i have.

  8. My mom showed me how in 6th.

    I really started in 7th.

  9. lol my question

  10. I asked of course.

    I didn't know "how" to do it and didn't want to harm myself.Razors can be dangerous.

    When I first asked (I don't remember how old I was) she denied my request, but then let me later on.

  11. just started

  12. I snuck my moms razors when I was about 9-10 i think...I saw her doing it so much I wanted to too. So one day she walked in, and saw me. lol. She said- "you cant quit now- youll have to shave until the day you die.."

    she was right...

    Being preggie now its harder to shave my legs (and stuff). How do you girls do it????

    I was thinking aboout having my husband do it for me tonight that desperate- i feel like i have man hair. :(

  13. i was forced to shave! lol my sister said "eww your legs are hairy" then she shaved them for me. then i would always ask her to shave my legs then she just taught me how to do it.

  14. well i didnt really ask

    i just said to my mom

    "i want to start shaving"

    and shes like okay and showed me how

    i was about 11.


  15. well i shave facial hair since im a guy , my mom only let me shave mustache  but like not sideburns (given they were only peach fuzz at the begining) so yeah i just kind of went in behind her back and did it = O  but yeah proper hygeine should be enforced so i dont think you mom should have anything against that.

    and if girls dont shave " down there" then at least trim it pretty short, most of us dont like for them to have it bald or a jungle so if you trim it pretty short i guarentee we will be pleased!  ( sorry if that was un - necessary i just thought it regarded shaving and offered some friendly advice from a guys perspective)

    best answer please?

  16. when i was 11 my mom handed me a razor and said here you go (true story) she did the same thing with my bras

  17. Hmm I think I was like 11 or 12 and my best friend had started to shave so I just told my mom and asked if I could and she said yes and that was that.  

  18. I wasn't aloud to either. I just got my moms razor when i was like 11 and started shaving. My mom (obviously) found out. && she got really mad. But eventually she didn't care.

  19. it just happened. i was 12 and sprayed my dads shaving cream on my legs, to see how it looked. i saw the razer then i did it.

    from then on thats how i got my legs shaved.  i didn't really know how to do it, so i got a few cuts, every time i shaved.  

  20. well i didn't ask if i COULD i asked how because i didn't want to cut myself.

  21. Im pretty sure i just told my mum i was going to start shaving and she showed me how.. i was 10..

  22. I asked my mom and she told me I would regret it if I started and that shaving is stupid and waxing is way better.  After you wax for a certain amount of time (probably about 2-3 years) the hair stops growing back.  Needless to say I didn't listen and started shaving ha ha.

  23. well i just started at a friends house when i was in 5th grade but now i've been shaving for about 3 years.

  24. i didn't need permission  i just started

  25. I asked when I was about ten.

    When I was ten, I don't think I would have breathed without asking permission. =)

  26. i just started

  27. My mom wouldn't let me shave, so I asked my cousin to let me have one of her disposable razors and just did it. I didn't start shaving until the summer before sophomore year. So it's about 5 years ago that I started shaving.

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