
Did you become the adult your childhood self would have wanted you to be?

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If not, why do you think that is?




  1. Thankfully not. I wouldn't take the advice of a child today on any subject, so it is curious to think that I would want to be want a childish version of me would want me to be.

  2. No, I wanted to be a zoo keeper!  No zoo's around here though, plenty of animals, but no zoos!  I think a lack of motivation and self belief has landed me in the most boring job in the world right now!

  3. I don't really know. But what is important to me as an adult, is that I have somehow kept alive a bit of the child I was, in the deep recesses of my soul.

  4. ...yes, i still surf, no outstanding bills, a house, truck, retired and a wife that i love...thanks for asking...

  5. of course not.  when i was young i wanted to be the coolest m**o on the planet.  the problem was, as i grew older, my interests and the paths i pursued failed to make it so.  i wanted to stand out, do something new, p**s people off, but the fact is, there are few people who can obtain their dreams of being awesome; i wasn't awesome, and couldn't make myself awesome bc i was lazy.  even if you choose something simpler, it's never going to be as grand as you wanted it to be the more you learn and get involved in the world and niche.  but since i made all the decisions i've made to get me to this point, as a compilation of everything i ever strove for, fought for, and thought was great as it evolved as my life went on- yeah, im exactly as i decided to be when i was younger.  as far as my childhood dreams, i can't remember a d**n one of 'em.  

  6. My child self, just really wanted me to be happy in whatever I do. That's what I am; I enjoy what I do. If you mean what job to have, well, sort of. I wanted to be different things at different ages. At one stage I wanted to be a paleontologist. But as my interests changed, I headed for what I wanted, and worked hard.

  7. I make comic books for a living and as part of that i sleep in till ten in the morning. Watch cartoons for a few hours. while then boiled down draw, paint and write down whatever is going on in my imagination. So yes, i think my childhood self would be happy with me.  

  8. No.

    Mostly because I wanted to be Aquaman.  

  9. in most ways, yes! professionally im very satisfied with how things worked out. i like the person i became too. i wish my private life was more satisfying - thats the only thing missing.

  10. I'm not an adult yet....=D but i don't wanna grow up to a******s and put my children down 4 every little thing....(i bet u must b really bored asking this) cause ia m and that's why i answered this lol......sry i took up ur time =/

  11. Absolutely not! My childhood self wanted me to become an important contributer to society. I still have time to redeem myself though.

  12. This is an interesting question. The weird part is, unlike some people I never changed my personality just to become more "adult" so some people think I am weird. And its really funny because I am actually true to myself- I have stayed true to myself. So many people feel to become adult they have to alter who they naturally were to compensate or just to "feel" as if they are grown up. Really your essential self will be there you just become more responsible and take on adult decisions and more complex life issues as an adult. In short, yes I am exactly the adult I envisioned to be- give or take a few flaws here and there.

    Great question.

  13. No. I have been too soft and not selfish enough. Too trusting.

  14. I think my own way of thinking brought me here.  There are things my younger self would tell my older self, that my teenage self wouldn't have listened to anyways, but I would still say it anyways.  Speak up early on.  Don't pollute my perfect little body with smoking, drugs, and alcohol.  Love Me!  Exercise. Try harder, but most importantly you are great the way you are.

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