
Did you buy gary glitter record years ago - how do you feel finding out you funded a child molester?

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Did you buy gary glitter record years ago - how do you feel finding out you funded a child molester?




  1. Well of course I feel totally responsible that my 10yr old self wasn't smart enough to see this man for the pervert he was, I mean it was obvious wasn't it.  The shame at wanting to be in his gang!

    This is a daft question, people who bought the records then did not fund a child molester, they bought pop songs.

    Mind you, perhaps I could jump on the bandwagon called compensayshun and claim for the trauma of knowing what happened to my 50p.

    The guy is a mouldy pervert and deviant, no argument there, but I don't feel responsible for him, however sorry I truly feel for his poor victims.

  2. In his hay day he was forced down our throats on TV.  

    I never liked the guy and I never thought much of his 'music' and never bought anything he called music.

  3. Silly question really, how could anyone have known back then.

    how many people donated to the McCann fund and didn't realise it would go to clearing the culprits, of AT LEAST neglect, by hiring fancy lawyers and the great "spokesman" who used to be in charge of government spin

  4. >>did you buy gary glitter record years ago - <<


    >>how do you feel finding out you funded a child molester?<<


    A little turned on.

  5. Yes, but what is worse is the people that like Michael Jacksons music pretending it is normal to have other peoples young boys in his bed. That is still going on, even Bill Clinton turned a blind eye to it as he did want to make himself unpopular. SHAME!

  6. No, I didn't buy his records, but I had a friend who thought he was great, and of course I was forced to listen to "Do you wanna be in my gang?" on way to school every day for a while. I quite like that record.

    I can't say I cared much for him though.

    A while back, before all this came out about him, I saw him on Richard and Judy and thought then that he was quite nice and friendly and outgoing. He totally had me fooled.

    You tend to think of child molesters as men who are introvert, hanging around school playgrounds in rain coats or something, don't you?  But this goes to show that you can never tell. You certainly can't tell just by looking at someone, or by how they behave in front of you or others.

    It really saddened and maddened me when he took off to another country to take advantage of little girls in poverty there.

    And he's still in denial about what he has done.

    I guess that's what happens when we put our own pleasure above everything else.

  7. I went to see him 5 times in the 80's I even met him and shook his hand ewwww.

    He seemed a nice bloke (well I wasn't to know) :(

    A mate of mine's dad used to drive him on stage each night on a Harley Davidson for the finale, he never saw saw anything ....wierd.

  8. michael jackson??????

  9. no i didn't.

  10. Incredibly, I actually lip-synched the Gary Glitter song 'Do You Wanna Touch Me?' at a talent show when I was seven and won! Looking back, I feel a bit disgusted by the whole thing. Still love that song, though!

  11. Dad did on an 8 track lol. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. How the h**l were we supposed to know 30 years ago?

  12. No - never did and never wanted to

  13. theres so many corrupt people in all sorts of high and mighty places that we all unwittingly fund murderers, rapists, blackmailers and all manner of twisted do you feel knowing that?  

  14. it wasnt that cool to buy garry glitter records it was cringy  enough watching him on TOTP's & listening to him in the youth clubs.  suzie Q was pretty bad too and the jackson 5 thjought was cack. not to mention the Osmands OMG!! i bought wizard records Slade David bowie and the Beatles Abbey rd albums the Blue and the Red double and T-Rex (mark boland) almost forgot to include the rolling stones who were getting on even in the 70's although i dont think any one realy knew anybodies sexual orientation at that time or did we even care as peadofelia wasnt a well known subject or issiu in those days' thank god we where saved by the s*x pistols

  15. No....I did buy some Slade though...shhhh......

  16. Never liked him and never bought anything of his I'm glad to say.

  17. Never heard of Gary Glitter but people who gave to the Catholic Church funded a whole bunch of child molesters.How does that make you feel?

  18. before my time.  but another rock n roll christmas is a great song

    why did he have to make it impossible to listen to now by being a child-rapist?

    It's good to see friends I know

    Kissing under the mistletoe

    I love to hear the children sing

    It looks like Santa's gonna bring

    Another Rock 'N' Roll Christmas

    Another Christmas Rock 'N' Roll


  19. Well, since he's since gone bankrupt, I hardly think it's relevant, do you?

    Ok, so he's a total pervert but he used to be a great showman. Feeling guilty about buying his records or going to his shows would be ridiculous.

  20. The only thing anyone who bought a GG record could be accused of is lack of taste; no one ever consciously "funded" this perv.

  21. Doesn't bother me mate.

  22. I did buy Gary Glitter's records...yep! he's a paedo...but I buy clothes from firms who employ 5 year olds in India, I have a pair of Nikes worth £80 but cost £i.50 to make and 50p of that pays a child's wages in Malaysia for a month...oh! and I'm a tax payer whose money at the moment is funding illegal wars killing innocent people all over the globe particularly in the Middle East. Gary Glitter I know about, and would not want to listen to his music regardless of whatever he is,the other stuff I have to change slowly otherwise would find it difficult to eat or wear stuff without some fat rich global corporate cat b*tt f******g me somehow!

    What about you in your glass house and stones!?

  23. I Felt Great and a child.

  24. yes i did bcos i loved his music then and now.

    but i didnt know of what he was, now with kids and grand kids of my own, i would protect them with my life, from pigs like him.

    Had i known at the time, i would never have bought them.

    you are making me feel guilty now.

  25. Thankfully, no.   Even back then he gave me the creeps and his music was cr@p.

  26. As a teenager back in the mid 70's I never liked that kind of monotonous pop c**p they spewed out. He looked weird with the silver suit and receding hairline

    Jethro tull - kinda ok

    Led Zeppelin - rocked !  

  27. No i didn't and always thought he was suspect, anyone who sticks a sock or whatever down his pants, to give the impression of a big ***   reported in the papers a while back  needs to be avoided at all costs.  

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