
Did you check out the link on the negatives of homeschooling?

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Comments from homeschoolers on how accurate they feel it is? How well researched and thought out do you feel this page is?




  1. Wow, after reading that well written and researched website, I am going to run right out and re-enroll my child in public school!

    Just kidding. What a joke! Where did you find that tripe? Surely no reasonably intelligent mammal would buy that as a good source of homeschool information?

    Thanks for the laugh.

  2. Boy am I glad I didnt come to that site first when I was playing with the idea of home schooling!  what a horrible mess!  Strange how it has a 'Parents' and a 'Teachers' link at the bottom right.  Did you notice it said 'pros and cons of homeschooling' but it only discusses cons.  Very negative site, I was cringing after every paragraph. Oops, its 10p, time to go tuck my 14 yr old in, help him put his pajamas on and if we have time teach him some socialization. {do I even have to point out that was sarcasm?}

  3. "dark patches in the shining character of homeschooling" -  LOL!

    "secluded atmosphere of the home, which hinders his or her social development" - Gimmie a break!

    That page was obviously written by someone who isn't homeschooling, and I think it is a shame they would put false information out there.  

    I think this is a more accurate portrayal of the disadvantages:

  4. I don't feel it's that objective or accurate.

    It starts with that whole BOGUS socialization argument.  I have NEVER lived in an area where there never any other children.

    This TOTALLY Bogus socialization thing is aimed at a few extremists anti-social people we term xenophobes.

    These people won't let their kids socialize even IN a school

    Homeschoolers are shackeled to their beds.  You're chained up like a dog.


    Maybe that's why AMERICA is so stupid, because kids in school are too busy socializing instead of learning!

    This fact has been proven when they segregated some public schools by s*x.  In the girls school the grades all went up by 10-20%!

    Take boys away from girls and girls do better in school.

    Most Parents don't teach, they supervise.  Homeschool programs are designed for self learning.

    And when parents DO teach it's usually on a one on one basis with no disruptions.

    Most families who homeschool don't leave jobs to do it, there is a stay at home parent who stayed there before and will stay afterwards.  Or there is a baby sitter.

    The cost factor is somewhat true.  It does cost extra to homeschool, that one can't argue with.

    In even a somewhat disciplined environment there is no rushing about and no timesharing hassels.

    The college education environment is drastically different from the primary and secondary school environment and lends largely to indepdent studies and research, plus a lecture hall.

    Classes are not one after another.  Labs are without the instructor only a grad student at the main desk.  You are own yoiur own for librayr reserach and writing your papers.

    College is 60% homeschool-like high school is not.  You get some piddling homework that amounts to 20% of what college gives.

    A homeschooler is more apt to to fell comfortable in most of the college work regimine.

    Those that do virtual schools will be able to handle the lecture aspect.

  5. Again, much of this seems based more on Stereotype-that bit about seclusion had be laughing. My kids have JUST AS MUCH social interaction (if not MORE) than publicly educated kids. The difference is that the interaction my kids have is based on REAL WORLD experiences (volunteering, jobs, community projects).

    The only valid point that article made was about the adversity you face.

    Other than that ONE point, the rest of it was pure and simple bologna in my opinion and from my experience

  6. I think this link is "full of ****! " and it "sucks"..Its not the Way to go and put something like Home School Down..because Theyre Trying for a "Frat" Group..;(...Im getting ready and learnin from you glurpy and anyonelse who can help me to get geared to start homeschooling for my two boys at moment whom are getting ready to....Five year old and Four year old..Theyre doing Preschool at home now..Im talking about academics and so on Im looking into funding for whatever the needs are, etc..If already have them..great..awesome..I dont think its fair that anyone puts down homeschool...In a way I think its way more awesome than public school at this point for my boys because..I dont have to "pull them out if we have to move" or if we "lose our home and have to move out of town or state.., for example.And for the plain fact..My mother in law feels I should "just send my five year old off to Kindergarton in public school..They wouldnt "take him " anyhow , because he turned five in September of 07and passed the "deadline" what do I care..My mother inlaw is also "full of **** "! If I were to want something else shed go the opposite direction to make this more than it not right to put down other methods of "learning"..Also Public School "puts children down if they dont conform to their"learning style Blankets"...If you as a child dont fit or conform to that then youre messed up and dont deserve to be there ...Now how would you rate that a "positive attribute to " Public School? I think homeschool is very awesome for that Attribute..should I make a "negative list for " Public Schools?..NOt.. worth it..I feel "Each to their own..and keep it to yourselves if not then stop putting down "homeschool"...Its not Kool at all..God Bless you Glurpy!!

  7. In a home school, the child is taught in the secluded atmosphere of a home, which hinders his or her social development.  

    Oh my here we go again. How many of us spend all our time at home and keeping our kids secluded? I for one would go nuts trapped in the house all the time.

    But money problems do creep in when one of the marriage partners has to sacrifice his or her career for teaching the child.

    Yes maybe but we don't have to buy uniforms (public school kids are in uniform here) Nor do we have the supply list and endless fundraisers. We can easily spend as much if not more sending them to public school.Teaching my kids is not sacrificing my career in fact I work from home so the money burden is less (no daily commute to work with high gas prices).

    In a home school, you are the teacher and have to spend 24 hours with your child

    Well Duh! I spend a lot of time with my kids but I don't HAVE to be with them 24/7 daddy takes over on one day every weekend so I get a break!

    I think its just another person trying to convince people that home school is a bad idea. I hope people who are looking into home school don't listen solely to that.

    Edit: I didn't even begin to point out errors I saw. Did they think using big words would frighten away prospective home school parents? Maybe we should start writing unintelligible sentences that you need a dictionary to understand.

  8. It's almost as if they felt that they had to put in some cons to make their site more 'realistic'.    

    I find those to be fluff rather then real.  No, homeschooling isn't for everyone but talking about needing patience?    I didn't have a lot of patience before I started but I'm learning as I go.

    Edit:  The more I read that site, the less I understood.   Most of the site seems aimed at discouraging homeschooling rather then enouraging.   I'm not sure why it's there in the first place.

  9. OK, I read it just now. and I have to say, I think it's full of grammatical and factual errors. Obviously not written by a homeschooler, because no homeschooler would think that socialization is an's true that some people will choose to stay home in order to homeschool, but it's by no means necessary. I know many single parents who homeschool AND work, it just takes creative thinking and planning.

    And what was up with the statement over and over that you have to have an umbrella school? That is completely in error, and not required in ANY state. It is an option in several states, but never a requirement.

  10. Home school--huh I have run into and worked with alot of people who have been home schooled and let me tell what???? this one individual (I know many more) was so socially screwed up he was a mess. He didn't know how to dress, he didn't know how to approach "strangers" and he sure couldn't figure out how to maintain a monthly budget so he wasn't kicked out of every apartment he moved into. OK sure I'm going to blame this on the parents who were conducting the daily curriculum... that's where you should lay the blame.. OK, take the blinders off people because that's how a majority of these home schools work. People are not trained to teach their children EVERYTHING they need to know to live in the real know the real world where there are REAL bullies and REAL social events with REAL strangers. Oh gosh not strangers...YES STRANGERS!!! Good luck to all you socially inept home schoolers...oh by the way before you dissect every word I wrote in here you might want to stop....take a break...and make sure your little hermit is doing his-her 1st grade level work. Just over look the fact that your 1st grader is 10 years old.

    Just read that website provided and agree with it....

  11. I liked Jazzy's list much better.  The only one I found even remotely relevant on the one you linked to was:

    "When you decide to educate your child at homeschool it will mean going against the convention and you should be prepared to face the adversity of being different from tradition."

    My big 15 minutes of fame was the quote "Make no mistake, this is not a mainstream choice."  Whoo-hoo yeah me :)

    Personally, I am very normal and fit in well, as do my kids, it often surprises people to find out how abnormal we really are!!

  12. I'm only on the first paragraph and I'm already lost.  LOL!  What is *this* supposed to mean:

    **Quote - "The concept of homeschool is based on personalized teaching for inculcating greater efficiency in a child. The efficiency quotient are successfully proved by many children who being taught at homeschools has shown enormous skills and knowledge compared to the children taught at public schools."

    Oh wow, this is a great sentence (my poor grammar/spelling radar is up tonight!!)..."Home schools are good substitutes for traditional schools but still some people believe that homeschooling cannot be practicable for everyone."  What is "practicable"?????

    Another "goodie"..."After educating your child at home school for some time, your child has to be put back in the mainstream education"  SAYS WHO?????

    More grammar hackles up..."Losing temper will not solve the problem but patience will."...and..."Moreover, if you act like some bore your child may lose interest in lessons."

    Did someone actually post this here on Y!A as an anti-HS'ing source?  Just who wrote this site, anyway????

    The whole site is just a mess.  I did a domain search and didn't get any information.  A good site that can be referenced, will have information about the site owner, etc.  I wouldn't trust the info here for anything...even w/o my grammar hackles getting up.

    <<< shaking head >>>


    Oh, this link on the site is even *better* [sarcasm]:

    I don't even want to try and refute it!

  13. Wow I first thought this was from the NEA.

  14. Did I check it out?  Yes, just now.

    Accuracy? It looks to me like someone poorly rewrote stuff they found elsewhere on the net.

    The grammar is terrible - almost as if it was written by someone for whom English is a second language.

    *** Quote from the site:

    "The concept of homeschool is based on personalized teaching for inculcating greater efficiency in a child."


    It never occurred to me that my job as homeschool teacher was to inculcate greater efficiency.

    Huh?  Am I missing something important about homeschooling?

    I had to look up the exact definition of inculcate and here it is from the Miriam Webster online dictionary:

    "to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions"

    I have been doing it all wrong!!!!  We don't repeat much stuff (unless it is really fun) and I rarely feel the need to admonish my son.

    It is usually fairly easy to discover the owner of a website.  I did the research and whoever owns this site has hidden behind a "private registry" company so that they can remain anonymous.

    Strikes me as somebody "scraping" content from other sites, poorly tweaking it and trying to make a few bucks from unsuspecting surfers.

    OK... I know I'm rambling here but this is just too much!

    I started looking around at other sections of this site.  It literally reads like one of those "My Uncle, the late Dr. Jonasha, an Ambassador from Uguanda,  has passed away and you have been recommended to me as a reliable and honest person to help claim the $100,000,000 my poor uncle placed in a U. S. bank acount.  Can I trust you?


    Another great quote from this site under "curriculum":

    Most of the schools have established the homeschooling curriculum to furnish a guideline to the students, even when they are at home. The homeschooling curriculum is actually an education guideline chalked out by the higher Government so as to ensure proper schooling of the children at home.


    Once again: Say what?

    It is a scam - too bad there is no way to warn everyone!


    If this site wasn't just so sad it would be rather funny!  

    Everyone be sure to NOT click on any of the "Ads by Google" links - if you do, whoever owns the site will earn money from google.

    OK - with this I had to laugh - under one of the many Christian homeschooling links:

    "In this increasingly commercialized world, Christian homeschooling helps you to maintain your religious identity."

    What does commercialization have to do with it?

  15. The link on the negatives just made me laugh at how ridiculous it is!

    It is obviously written by someone without experience in homeschooling. Children who homeschool are not secluded in their home (okay, some might be). Parents are not with their children non-stop through their lessons - especially in the upper grades. I don't know of any homeschoolers that spend 24/7 with their kids...even if I am in the house all day with my kids, I am not WITH them every minute of the day!

  16. First of all what is Proud2beMommy talking about??????

    Second the first link offering the disadvantages of homeschooling were written from a biased, presuppositional stance.

    I have homeschooled for 13 years, my children do not excel in ALL subjects - I messed up along the way several times - But I would not change a thing - neither would they. The PROS far outweigh the CONS

    My daughter graduated in 2006 with a 3.6

    My son will graduate next year with a projected 4.0

  17. I think it's poorly written, poorly researched, and completely fictional.  Actually, I find the trolls on this forum often provide better information than this site, and that's saying a lot.

  18. One of my favorite reads is "Dumbing Us Down" by John Taylor Gatto, who after decades teaching in public schools, advocates for huge reforms. In one part of his book, he suggests that homeschooling actually promotes the true aspects of education that the public school system fails at doing. In fact, Gatto believes that public schooling actually tears families apart:

    "Independent study, community service, adventures and experience, large doses of privacy and solitude, a thousand different apprenticeships - the one-day variety or longer - these are all powerful, cheap, and effective ways to start a real reform of schooling. But no large-scale reform is ever going to work to repair our damaged children and our damaged society until we force open the idea of "school" to include FAMILY as the main engine of education (33)."

  19. BINGO!  That does it, the entire purpose of public schools is to socialize our children, expose them to bullies, s*x, and drugs, not educate them!  I understand now.  I'd better run straight to the school and enroll my kids tomorrow, so they can be just like everyone else!  WooHoo!  The arguments are all clear to me now.

    (Yep, another sarcastic answer here!)

    As for a lighter side, someone sent me this today and I laughed so hard . . . a comical music video "A Homeschool Family"

  20. The social one is definitely a problem, but (I'm a teacher) I've worked with parents who manage to help their kids by bringing them into a Public School for Band, or for a Sports Activity after school. These interactions are important, and parents who homeschool need to provide opportunities for their kids, just like they provide them with every subject. (and very well, most often)

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