
Did you choose your faith or was it chosen for you?

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I chose to be Muslim, Alhamdulillah.




  1. I chose to follow Christ.

  2. I chose to commit 100% to believing Jesus after ten years of trying to do it my way.  

  3. Hello friend, I think i chose my faith but really i think God chose me.

  4. I chose to be LDS.

  5. I was baptized Catholic, but I chose to continue practicing after I was confirmed.

  6. I chose Islam,Alhamdulillah.

  7. I chose not to choose... I have lived among many peoples and seen many faiths, and in my experience growing up on several continents I must say - human nature in all its good and bad aspects can be found everywhere.

    Parents love their children, people want a fair shake, some hustle and get ahead at others expense, some are generous and kind and some are greedy or mean. And most, from anywhere, think some other group is worse than their type, however they define it - religious, ethnic, nationalistic, even age groups or genders.

    So, having a conscience and pride in my own actions means more to me than joining any one doctrine over the others. Maybe I could get into karma, or agnosticism, if I had the energy!

    Salaam Aleikum, Ramadan Mubarak!

  8. I chose my lack of faith after 14 years of being a christian

  9. it was a very good accident to have stumbled upon my way of life.

    you really don't want to know what it is.

    it's just that, after years of being preached to by my mother and father,

    i decided that it's complete c**p

    use your common you really think that there's some guy

    up there in the clouds who has complete control over people's lives?.

    do you really think that there's some guy who sent down his *** and shoved it into some virgin chick who gave birth to some guy who walks on water?

    impossible...or is it? but then again, i don't think god exists.

    maybe this Jesus guy or whatever, is something a little more realistic then "the messiah".

    you know humans only use one part of their brains? what if this "Jesus" person could use all of it?

    if we only use one part, how do we know what the other part can do?

    maybe if we tapped into it, we'd be able to walk on water too.

    Or something more then just that...

    the Christians are basing their faith on the stories of the people who thought that this jesus person was the son of god.

    if you think about it, GOD, for an earthbound person of power.

    just because two thousand years ago,

    a bunch of people who didn't bathe or brush their teeth thought that god (and gods) existed, when really, it's something bigger then that.

    have you ever considered the fact that the gingivitus and the lac of health care got to their heads and they started going psychotic from all of the chemicals and dirt that got into their systems?.

    starting to make sense huh?...

    there's something bigger out there,

    i can't explain what it is, but i'll tell you this.

    if god and the devil were playing football,

    this would be the field, and the people, and everything else.


  10. I chose to be LDS

  11. i chose to believe in God.  

  12. It's strange when we accept the Lord, for Christians at least, we chose to believe, but then really, it was God's gift, so it was chosen.

  13. I chose my faith because i believe Jesus is the only way. he was the only God who came and show his love by dyeing for everyone.  

  14. I chose to be a Witness of Jehovah.

  15. I was a born Muslim Alhamdulillah & I love being a Muslim.

  16. I was raised Christian and broke free over a very long period of time.

  17. I grew up Jewish, but left it by my own volition.  

  18. I chose Islam. Inshallah God answered my prayers and guided me here.

  19. I was born as a muslim!

    But, I had a choice of being good one (hopefully), no drink, no big sins, follow its faith!

    Many born muslims choose to not practice Islam.

    I am also convinced of it logically.

  20. I chose God the Father, God the Son and God the holy Spirit.

  21. I grew up with a belief in God and Christianity, but my parents weren't very religious.  My Grandparents were though and were Ministers of a Pentecostal church.  We went to church with them some so that's where I learned about God.  Later my mother became religious and I went to church with her when I was a teenager, but I was 18 before I really accepted the religion and started to study it.  So I chose the religion, but there was a great influence of it on my life before I did.  Does that make sense?

  22. I didn't choose my lack of faith. It is the only view I can reconcile with science

  23. I chose to be Christian.  

  24. I chose no faith

    Best. Decision. Ever.

  25. I chose to be an Atheist.

    One of the best decisions I have ever made.  

  26. well i was introduced to my faith by my family, but i chose to stick with it. so far ive been glad.

  27. I am an atheist. My brain dictated it.  

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