
Did you cook dinner tonight or eat out in a restaurant or go to a drive thru?

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Did you cook dinner tonight or eat out in a restaurant or go to a drive thru?




  1. will be reheating L/O lasagna in a few hours....mid afternoon on Wednesday here in Oz!!!

  2. Tonight i had a tostinos cheese pizza. It was pretty good

  3. I cooked.  It's Tuesday.  Who goes out to eat on a Tuesday?

  4. i cooked: baked chicken, rice, and green beans.

  5. Brought home Sushi

  6. Dinner at home, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. I ate at home. I made meatballs for the superbowl. With the leftover ground sirloin, I made meatloaf. Tonight I finished it off by having a meatloaf sandwich, pressed and heated.

  8. I prepared supper at home tonight....Barbecued ribs, noodles with alfredo sauce  and salad.


  10. I cooked. Made chicken quesedillas! They were so yummy too!

  11. I ate at the work cafeteria. It was Taco tuesday.

  12. hubby and I had sandwiches and they were YUMMY!

  13. I cooked it that way i know  the source.

  14. cooked at home

    steak and potato

  15. I went to in-n-out

  16. had home-made dinner- meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, warm apple crisp with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat out Friday nights only.

  17. Cooked at home.

    potato stroganoff

  18. Arby's RB and swiss dip.

  19. i went to jack in the box

  20. the big L .... Leftovers.  :-(

  21. made a pizza, bbq chix.

  22. Tuna noodle casserole and deviled eggs.  Trying to utilize my pantry because of rising food costs.  High in fat but good when the weather is cold.

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