
Did you cry on your child's first day of kindergarten?

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My daughter is starting kindergarten in one week and I have already gotten the sniffles when I was buying her school supplies. Her school even holds a Boo Hoo breakfast for parents of kindergarteners on the first day of school. I am going to take so many pictures. My mom told me she threw a party and danced a jig on my first day of school (I think she was lying) Did you cry or was it no big deal?




  1. I have with each one of my kids so far. It's sad...they are growing up and we as parents have to let go in a way, but she is going to love school and you are going to be fine..Good luck on first day.

  2. It's a mom thing.

  3. I cried. alot. (not in front of my daughter though - I didn't want to scare her!)

    But my oldest started kindergarten 2 days after her baby sister's funeral, so I'm probably not a good test of the average.  

  4. please, i cried when my son got his first hair cut

  5. i dont know if my mom cried.

    but i did.

    i hated leaving.

    i cried on the 1st day of pre-k through 2nd.

    but thank god i grew out of it!

  6. So far only my 15 year old has gone to school and yes I cried! It was also really weird because I started college the year she started kindergarten so we both kinda took a big step that year.

  7. yes i did, unfortunatley my tears had a chain reaction with my shild so he started crying and he did want to go but he settled in quite fine :) now he is a teenager and i feeling that little bit older

  8. I did cry & daddy did too, I couldn't believe it! I was happy for him because he was so excited but I'm a pretty emotional person & it was hard to see my baby going to school. It's amazing how time flies.

  9. No big deal, glad to see her attend, she made it easy for me though.

  10. Yes. And I cried when they graduated from high school and again when they graduated from college. It's a Mom thing!

  11. No I didn't cry but I wanted to.  lol

  12. My kids are only 2yrs and 5months but i can guarantee that when they start school I am going to cry like a baby.  I dont like to be away from them for amy reason now.

  13. It's really no big deal.  I was a little sad, but not really for myself.  I was sad that they had to get on that big scary bus and go to that big scary school without me!  I guess I was worried, I wasn't sad about them going though!

  14. Yes.  I cried on their first day of kindergarten, and first grade, and second grade,.....right on through the day they left for college.  I cry when they go back to school after a visit home.  

    I've never done it in front of them, and I hope I never do. Every time they took another big step,  I  told them how happy I was for them that they were growing up, taking that next big step, getting those great opportunities, etc.  I let them go without knowing how hard it was for me.  

    I imagine I'll still cry someday when they go home to their families after visiting me in the nursing home.  But I'll let them go.  And I'll give thanks that I had the privilege of bringing them along for all those years.

  15. My mom didn't cry on my first day of kindergarten but when her "baby" walked across that big stage to receive that diploma my mom bawled like a baby lol. It's totally a mommy thing.

  16. My son isn't in kindergarten yet, but he's starting at a new "big boy" (up to grade 5) school for preschool in a few weeks.  I think I'll hold it together until I get to the car, but then I'll fall apart.  Fortunately, my husband is taking the morning off to come with us.  Otherwise, I don't think I'll get out of the parking lot!

  17. Ask me in a week lol my son starts on the 27th and I know I start to cry just thinking about it.  My mom admits now to crying after dropping me off at school for the first time but i didn't see her cry.  

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