
Did you cry on your wedding day?

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I went to a wedding this weekend, I was fine until she walked down the isle, then I got a bit overwhelmed shall I say and thought, oh dear, if this is what im like at someone elses wedding what am I going to be like with my own wedding in a few months!




  1. yes i did a little when i said ggodbye to my family

  2. honeslt,y I'm getting married Aug 2009 and everytime I think about walking down the isle or my father daughter danceI tear up a bit.  I'm gonna be a wreck that day. lol

  3. yes I cried....all day....over everything. I am a big softy to begin with and that day I was just a big ball of emotion.

  4. You bet I did - lots of different times.

    I cry at everyone else's weddings, too - even on TV.

    Don't worry about it, just let the emotions come...

  5. We both teared up at the rehearsal...not the wedding day...

    Our wedding day was full of nerves and excitement...and we focused on breathing more than

  6. yep i did, it was tears of  happiness though.

  7. Yes I did cry on my wedding day, but it wasn't until my Dad hugged me to say congrats and he was crying first.  I am a daddy's girl!  But I was nothing but excited on my wedding day!  It is the best day of your life enjoy every second of it!

  8. I did, but not as much as I expected that I would. (And believe me, I'm the kind to cry really hard at weddings - I once cried at a bridal fashion show!)

    When I started walking down the aisle, I started crying (tears of happiness, of course), and I suddenly got nervous that I would cry throughout the whole ceremony and be unable to say my vows. Luckily, the prayer right at the beginning of the ceremony gave me a chance to close my eyes and compose myself. By the end of the prayer, I was nothing but smiles. :)

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I'm sure you'll be fine.

  9. I did (I'm a guy) but not during the ceremony, really at all.

    My bride, who cries at EVERYTHING, only teared up when I was saying my vows.

    Hint: Practice your vows to yourself. Say them out loud so you can get used to hearing them.  That's really the worst part.

  10. still crying all these yrs later..

  11. I teared up a little, but for the most part I was fine. Mostly I was just excited.

  12. I cried at my fiances friends' wedding.I know I am going to ball on my day.

  13. both my husband and i cried on our wedding day

  14. Nope, but I was surprised because I do cry at weddings, I had my hanky ready, (antique lace) but not a drop, it was a very happy day.

    Good luck on your day.

  15. I probably wouldn't have cried, but my husband did as soon as he saw me walking down the aisle... Which made me cry because it was so cute! That set the tone, and we cried during the entire ceremony. LOL.  

  16. I was generally ok. Thought I was going to cry at one point - could feel a lump in my throat - but managed to stop it as I was more distracted by the thought of getting all my vows right. To be honest, the whole ceremony felt a bit surreal - like floating out of my body. Whilst I remember all of it, I also felt a bit detached from it because of all of the build up and excitement. Weddings are a weird day for emotions, particularly your own. Try not to think about it too much. If you do, you do. No-one will judge you for it. Just try not to weep openly. I went to a wedding once where the bride was almost inconsolable (with happiness I think, but who can be sure?) during the entire ceremony and it just got embarrassing!

  17. bless,

    i know the feeling.. i'm getting married soon and not sure how am gogin to be. guesse you won't know untill the day comes around..

    so exited though

  18. oh yes and I'm not one that cries.  But there was also this sense of over-whelming joy!

  19. i haven't got married, but if i do, i know i will cry my eyes out..

    to feel so much for someone is pretty intense!!

    edit : i agree with what others have said about their dads - im a daddys girl and i nearly cried when he said he liked my boyfriend so god knows what i'd be like when he gives me away..

    i also cry at weddings on tv.

  20. Oh, yes, and I've cried at every wedding I've been at since!  All tears of happiness!  The rehearsal was much worse than the wedding, so let it all out at the rehearsal.  The real jerker was seeing my husband cry, so if your's can hold it together you might be fine.  

  21. i wasn't sure if i would or not, it was either cry or giggle my way through the ceremony and i had no way of knowing until the day. i ened up having the giggles and smiling so much that my face hurt. my husband did cry. it was so sweet and was the best day of my life.

  22. I cried a few minutes before the ceremony, talking to my parents.  They were happy tears

  23. Oh yes...I didn't cry the whole day, and even into the ceremony, until my husband said his vows. He had memorized them, and they were perfect, and I could tell he must have worked so hard on them, that I actually totally forgot all of the vows we had written together, and was so overwhelmed by feelings for him that I got all welled up, and ad libbed a bit (call it a 'loose translation' of the vows my husband had just so beautifully stated). But in those moments, you have to let yourself cry-on the video, you can barely tell I was sobbing up there, and everyone in the congregation said it was very sweet. People expect you to get a little emotional up there. It's not silly-it's allowing yourself to feel that moment to its fullest.  

  24. I sure did cry.  I couldn't help it.  Everyone arrived at the church a little late and I ended up getting there before the guys.  As soon as I was told that they were there, I lost it.  As soon as I regained my composure, my mom lost it and all got me going again.  Then, I was ok until we got to the end of the aisle and it was my turn to walk up to the altar.  As soon as my song started playing, I lost it.  I tried to turn around to "fix" my dress so I could regain my composure, but the co-ordinator didn't give me time.  I ended up crying all the way down the aisle.  So not how I wanted to do it.  But, when I told my husband that that was the only thing I would change about our day, he said that he wouldn't.  It was sweet, I was being myself.

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