
Did you cry when your child first went to school?

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how long did you to get over it, that ur childs in school now? my baby girl is gonna be a freshman in high school




  1. No, I didn't cry. I have four children, all close in age so it happened just about every year. I was too busy dealing with the next child to think about being upset.

    The main thing here is that as an adult you sometimes feel lost when a child reaches a milestone in their life. So make sure that you find your own life again. Get outdoors and find an interest for yourself. Join a club, do things that interest you. Your family is growing up and you need to find your own identity again.

  2. I homeschool my 6 year old Daughter, but I have to admit that I cry when I see all those precious babes being sent to school.

  3. I did cry when my son went to Preschool.  I don't think I will cry when he gets to high school.

  4. I cried when my daughter went to her first day of preschool!

  5. yes I cried and now he is only getting older every year, at least your daughter is not getting married in  five months now that's  a crying moment.

  6. OMG yes!  When my first child went to kindergarten, I thought, oh all those wussies who cry are just too much!  I am glad to have half a day to myself!  Yeah right!  I couldn't have been more wrong!  I walked him to the bus stop that morning, and waited with him for the bus.  He looked so little climbing up into that big yellow bus, and I felt the ol' chin quiver coming on, but I kept myself to gether.  He got on the bus and I waved at him and he waved back until he couldn't see me anymore.  Then, I turned around to head back home, and once my back was to that bus, I lost it!  I bawled like a baby the whole walk home and then called my mom and cried to her for another hour!  I felt so ridiculous.  Now, he is going into second grade, and the only thing I say when he gets on the bus is CYA and have a great day!  I think all parents get at least a little emotional when their 1st goes off to school, its natural....most of us are over it pretty quick I think.

  7. i know my mom cried...but that was in preschool...not for highschool...

    if you're saying that your daughters first time in school is high school..then your daughters very smart

  8. We haven't crossed that bridge yet, but I know my husband will cry. Passing by schools and seeing buses and how excited our son gets seeing other children makes my husband emotional. LOL

  9. I believe since your 'baby' girl is in high school now, i hope you don't still cry over it? but if you do its okay.

    My parents didn't exactly cry over me going to school because they knew it gave me something to do, and gave me a life that i can live and enjoy.

    So, it took my parents... a month or less to get over it.


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