
Did you decide to do the AFP tests?? ?

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My boyfriend and I talked about it and from the ultrasound they saw no signs of downs syndrome and the baby was kicking and moving so they said it decreases the chances of spinal difida and even if something were wrong we wouldn't terminate so we decided not to have the tests. Did you have them?? Should we consider it a little more???




  1. It was never optional.  I had one with all of my pregnancies.  But I wouldn't have an amnio unless it was absolutely necessary. I would never terminate a pregnancy but feel it is best to be informed so that they could have the additional medical assistance ready for the baby should something indeed be wrong.

  2. i think you made the right decision. there is not much reason to get one of the AFP tests considering they are often inaccurate and the results are more often used to convince/suggest abortion to a couple in case of an imperfect fetus than to prepare for birth defects at birth. if you give birth in a hospital they will most likely be amply prepared whether you MIGHT have a baby with defects or not.

    the worry those tests cause, often over nothing, is pointless.  

  3. I had the quad screen, which is just a blood test for downs and spinal bifida. It came back negative so there was no further screening needed, such as an amniocentesis.  

  4. i'm 36 weeks and my AFP test came back positive.  we went to the specialist and we met with a councilor and she explained the genetics of downs and all.  we had a level 2 ultrasound and the specialist said everything seemed to look normal.  he requested that we take the amniotic fluid test and that's where my boyfriend and i drew the line. it's risky and we both felt that if we got more scary news would that really change our thoughts on our child.  we decided that we weren't going to take the test and leave everything in the lords hands.  

  5. I did the quad screen and it came back negative. I just did it to give myself peace of mind. Really though, if you plan to keep the baby in sickness and health then it really isnt necessary. They test at the time of birth for all of those items anyway.

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