
Did you decide to only have one child and what is the reason for it?

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Did you decide to only have one child and what is the reason for it?




  1. yes i did, i mean my child is still on the way, but this has been really hard on my body, and anyone around me. I'm violently ill (I've LOST 18-20 lbs) and from what my mum says all her pregnancies were like this, as well as my grandmothers on both sides. that and my boyfriend feels so guilty about what I'm going through he's debating on getting a vasectomy.

    I'm halfway through my pregnancy and my morning sickness gets worse with each passing week.

  2. It's not exactly a decision, but I didn't have my child until I was 40 and my partner already has 2 children from a previous relationship.  

    It would be hard work to persuade him to have another and I'm not sure I'd want to go through the pregnancy and early stages again.  I didn't really enjoy being pregnant much, had a difficult time around the birth and my partner was useless for the first six months of my little girl's life.  

    I'm not sure I could handle doing it all again alongside giving my darling girl all the attention she needs.

  3. I originally was told I could only have one, after the first my periods stopped and I had all kinds of problems. I was a single parent at the time and was just fine with that. After I got with my bf now we talked about haveing more. My oldest was 6 wehn I got pregnant with this one and will be just shy of 7 when his baby brother is born, it took a lot of time and Metformin and clomid but I have the gift of my second child.

  4. YES, my daughter is coming upto her 12th birthday soon and I decided that I only wanted 1 child.  My reasoning for the decision was and is:

    I could afford to look after her properly and buy what she needs/wants and to be able to have enough time to spend with her.  

    I am also an only child.

  5. I'm TTC @ the moment with some difficulty.. My husband already has a 5 year old and let me tell you that child is my life and I love her more then anything. She has enough energy to make up three children. Me and husband decided to have a child together and both agreed on only having one. Yes he will be the bio father of two and I only 1 but that is just fine with me. Are reason being : Child are very expensive to raise 2: College tution is out rages these days 3: The engery level of his daughter can make up 3 children already 4: Because We are working so hard on trying to concieve our first child that we will be more then blessed and pleased with a single child of our own..  Also his daughter is already spolid, badly spoiled... She makes the rules and does what she wants most of the time. Trying to watch and help raise him and take care of another child would just be too hard physically and emotionally on me for the most part..

  6. 1. Money issues 2. I thought i would be too hard to look after two kids.

  7. No I did not decide to have 1 kid, I am currently pregnant with my second and am loving every second of it. I also plan on having more kids.

  8. I have PCOS and finding out I was pregnant at the age of 40 was a bit of a shock to start with! With PCOS there is a risk of not being able to carry the baby past 12 weeks and becuase of my age there was a risk of Downs.

    Then at 23 weeks my BP went through the roof and my little man was born at 31 weeks weighing just 2lb 4oz.

    So the answer is, there is no way on the face of this earth that I am going through all that again!

  9. College is so expensive! If my baby doesn't go (which I doubt) I am going to be upset.

  10. need to find another sperm donee haha

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