
Did you donate your flowers to a nursing home or hospital after the wedding?

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If so, how was that taken care of? Did someone take them and drop them off for you, did you do it yourself, or did someone come to get them?




  1. The only flowers i had to be concerned about were the ones to my first wedding.....the church flowers I left for the parishners to enjoy the next day at Sunday service, which thrilled all the old ladies & the the reception the Band (I had a live band) after the cake and before the last set of songs made the announcement that the table arrangements were in vases that belonged to the venue...they had to remain but guests were free to take the flowers home...suprisingly quite a few did.......I had blue, yellow & white roses with baby's breath......(the bride's maids wore a rose print floral in either blue or yellow & my bouquet was a victorian style of hothouse roses....., so we carried the rose thing through out....

  2. What a lovely thought!  I commend you!  If you want to do this, the only thing that you may need to arrange for is for someone to bring them over to the home. If you don't find volunteers in advance and if you ask at the wedding, attendees will probably step up to help with the transport.

    Just one thing to take into consideration and that is your guests.  More often than not the arrangements on each table are taken home be one of the guests at the table via a game, raffle or mutal agreement.  Family and friends love the flowers as a memory of the special time that they shared with you as you started your new life with your spouse.  How you communicate to them that they are not being slighted but that you want to share your joy with those in a home will make all the difference in the world.

    Bless you and Best Wishes!

  3. I believe the only way you'll get anyone from these facilities to pick them up is by contacting the Activities Director. You'd have much better luck and they'd be more appreciated if you donated them to a nursing home verses a hospital. If you can, drop them off yourself. Wear your veil, bring some pictures and pass them out! It will warm your heart so much when you see the joy you will bring these ladies. They will want to talk to you, ask you about your wedding, and give some advice! It will make their day! The activities director or tech will make the rounds with you and help, so don't be nervous. You can always request they do when you call.  I used to work in a nursing home a long time ago, but I remember every bride that came in with her flowers very clearly. The patients would talk about it for days. Regardless of how you end up doing it, thank you for thinking about the sick and elderly. They can be very lonely people. What you're doing will trigger pleasant memories they will refect on for a long time after you leave. What a gift!

  4. Wow.

    I have never heard of anyone doing this, but thats so sweet and cool.


  5. Not the only flowers we had were our bouquets. Each girl took theirs. A lot of people took the cester peices.  We donated most of the decorations to the camp. I got married at the Christian camp I grow up at.

  6. aw what a great idea! You could just get someone to run them by after your wedding, like a friend. That is such a unique and very sweet idea

  7. This is a wonderful and thoughtful gesture.  Do you have anyone who has offered to help, but you haven't come up with anything for them to do?  If so, this would be a great job for her.  If nobody has offered, find a relative or friend who volunteers in the community.  Alot of people will not be comfortable taking flowers to a nursing home, others will actually enjoy it.  

    I am having a tiny wedding and the only flowers I will have are a silk bridal bouquet.  Otherwise, I would do something like this.  As it is, I will take my bouquet to a florist and have her use them, along with some others, to make flower arrangements to place on his mother's and my father's graves.

  8. That's a really good idea!  I was a little sad that $300 worth of orchids just got thrown away.  I would have loved to enjoy them myself, but we were leaving for our honeymoon and didn't know what else to do with them...

    Maybe you can call a local high school and their NHS (National Honor Society) can pick them up and deliver them to a nursing home.  I was in NHS and we had to volunteer like 30 hours a semester or something so I spent a lot of time in nursing homes...

  9. No, my fat asz cat ate em all.

  10. I've never heard of flowers before (what a great idea though!), but we had our cake aliced up and wrapped in parchment paper for guests to take at the end of the night. We had about 75 pre-wrapped slices left and my mother took them home for the night and then delivered them to the fire department the next day. The firemen LOVED it.

    Anyhow, I suppose you might just want to ask a friend or family member if they wouldn't mind if you're too busy, but I wish I could have been there for dropping off the cake. If you can manage you might want to go along so you can see how happy you make the people there :-)

  11. I've never seen this done - guests have usually been encouraged to take home the centerpieces after the reception ends.

    You'll need to call whatever nursing home/hospital you'd like to donate to and see what their process is. They may expect you to bring the flowers by, or they may have someone who can come and get them. You won't know until you ask.

  12. My flowers are going to my church. Make sure the hospital will take donations - I've lived in cities where they won't. It varies from city to city, so you'd have to call and ask them if someone will come pick them up. Otherwise, just have a friend or family member drop them off. (If they take them.)

    I've also seen people leave them at cemetaries and veteran memorials as well.

  13. I've heard of that. Yeah, it's great to do that!

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