Moshe had been away on a lengthy business trip and on the plane back home, he began thinking of all the romantic things he would do on his return. So when he came home, he quietly suggested to Becky that they go to bed early that night for a bit of l-o-v-e. But Becky said, "Oh Moishe, I'm so tired from looking after the house all the time you were away. Please, another time if you don’t mind."
The next night Moshe asked again. Becky said, "Oy vay, Moishe, such a terrible headache I have got. I won’t be able to do anything and it wouldn't be any good. Please, wait a bit longer."
On the third night, Moshe had gotten just a little impatient. "How about it?" he said, a bit abruptly.
Becky snapped back at him, "Moishe. This is the third night in a row you've asked me. What are you? Some kind of s*x maniac?"