Did you ethanol creates more greenhouse emissions that regular, old fashioned gasoline?
Ethanol creates more greenhouse emission than gasoline indirectly, this means that the production of ethanol, from growing to harvesting, fermentation, refining, and transportation, causes more emissions than if we just stuck to gasoline.
If you don't believe me, please look it up.
This is our planet and we need to do what we can to save it.
ETHANOL is NOT the answer.
Not only does ethanol cause more greenhouse emissions but it creates more waste than gasoline and more and more of the worlds' farmers are switching to corn production due to the need for the creation of more ethanol.
Because of this, there have recently been levies placed on rice purchases across the world.
Some believe that we (the United States) only believe in ethanol so deeply because it can be created without major assistance from any not-so-friendly countries.
Please remember, this is the only planet we have. Save it.