
Did you ever catch yourself doing this?

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I heard years ago that when pregnant even if you don't know it the woman tends to touch her stomach a lot.

Did you ever catch yourself doing that when you were first pregnant for when you suspected you were pregnant?

I don't know if its true or not but if you've seen my other questions we suspect I'm pregnant and I didn't remember this little "fact" until a few days ago but I kept catching myself putting my hand on my stomach.




  1. yea actually i did earlier while watchin tv i suspect i could be pregnant also but waiting on my period  

  2. whenever i think i might be pregnant i do it a lot. and when i first found out i was with my son, i did a lot for the first couple of months, but i hate it when other people touch my stomach it just doesn't seem right.  

  3. yes I think a lot of women do that.

    It must be phsycological.!

    trying to feel that little baby inside of you kick,

    or just something to reassure you they're there.

    i know i do, because im suspecting.

    i do just to think of "what if?"

    and also jsut to try and feel for any diffrences or anything.

    neat .

  4. nope.  not at all.  i was just overly emotional about everything and driving my sons father up the wall.

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