
Did you ever discover someone secret thanks to the Internet ? ?

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It happened to me there was that girl called Sandrine who was living in Chantemelle, Belgium, our mothers were friends and that's how I met her, I met her a couple of times when I was a kid and I was touched by her beauty, later on as a teenager I felt in love with her but could not tell her so, although it was quite obvious but she always acted as she did not understand, at one point I decided to send her a letter telling her I loved her.

Bad move, her mother got the letter and went to talk with mine telling her that I should stay away, she did not want me to distract her daughter from her studies.

Years later, I was looking up her name on the Internet and I found a message from her on a forum for people abused when they were a child,

and she was saying that she was abused by her father for many years when she was a child, what a surprise, I felt sorry for her that was hard to figure out for me at the time and when I think about her mother who did not want me to distract her daughter from her studies ... I wonder if the old bat knew about it.

Did you ever discover something like that yourself ?




  1. There's a girl I know from high school that I reconnected with through the internet.  She is not married and don't have any kids.  She told me that she didn't marry because she was focused on work.  She has a very distinct user name that she uses on everything.  I typed it in on google one time, and found her username and her description on a bunch of L*****n websites.  I guess she's not completely ready to come out of the closet, yet.  I'm going to respect her in not mentioning it to anyone that we know.

  2. Anything posted online, in public forums, isn't a 'secret'....but no, I don't believe I've learned something about someone that they had kept from me.

    One should assume anything they post online, text or photos, may be viewed by family, friends, boss, clergy, mate, etc. Don't post anything online if you prefer it weren't public for all to see (because chances are someone will see it that you didn't think would).

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