
Did you ever disrespect your momma ?

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and what were the consequence of such disrespect to your momma ? my momma used to lock me me in the basement with no lights and only bread and water for 5 months each time.




  1. I did once.

    And never again.

    I called her something I can't repeat on here! But I got hit with a slipper, it killed! And I had everything fun taken off me, I ended up with just a bed and a wardrobe in my bedroom, was banned from watching TV for over 2 months, my bedtime was 7.30pm and I had to clean the dishes for 1 month.

    It was the biggest lesson I've ever learnt, and to this day, I still thank my mum for been harsh ( although I definitely didn't at the time! )

    I have never been in trouble since, and respect EVERYONE I meet.

  2. I once swore at my mum and got a crack in the kisser that knocked out a few teeth.  It was the hardest lesson in respect that I have ever learned.  My mum was a good mum.  She raised a large family and none of us ended up in trouble.  She was the disciplinarian of the household.

  3. Your momma was a witch

  4. Nope. She disrespected me.

  5. Mostly everyone has disrespected their momma atleast 1 if not more.

  6. wow that is child abuse. my mom hit me with a belt and thats it. i would have hated my mom for locking me in the basement

  7. I used to get a d**n good hiding and once when I was in my twenties I said something and she kicked my ankle so that when I bent down she could belay me over the ear. We were very similar characters so we clashed. Perhaps that is what kept her going until she was 93   I remember that when she went into a nursing home we could not row any more and she died within 6 months  or so.

  8. Thats Shocking

  9. I was talking to my friend at the back door of our house and my mom was giving me a hard time about something or other.  I made the mistake of shooting her a bird (the finger) before I realized that there was a window in the door and she was standing on the other side of it.  My friend said all she saw was a hand come around the door and I disappeared and the door slammed.  She had a spatula in her hand from cooking and I had spatula-shaped welts on my butt a few minutes later.  Did not make that mistake again.

  10. My mother use to side with my father when he'd go bananas on us boys with a hose. She made it clear that the only reason we were around was for "Earned Income Credit" during tax times. She knew no other man would have a woman with 8 kids so she would side with my dad as much as possible to avoid a divorce. The 5 girls were given priority while us boys had to wait. Us boys starting working at young ages just so we could eat. We had a basement too. If helped muffle the sounds of kids screaming when a hose hit us.

    The day I left home for Alaska she freaked out because I was not there to pay for her frequent eating habit. I have not been home since.

    She deserves no respect.

  11. i have been disrespecting my momma ever since i can remember and the consequence is that im the boss.thats just because my momma is not quite an authoritative person and i am

  12. Maybe I did when I was a little kid.  Back then I was really bratty, and acted like I had behavior problems.  But now, my mom is really important to me.

  13. I never had one!  

    I had a 'Mum', but na a Momma.

    Sad sad Sash.

  14. I used to when I was younger and the consequences were a slap on the backside with her slipper as I was running away from her lol or the "wait til your father gets home" that was enough to stop me in my tracks glad my mum wasn't as harsh as yours and if she was I would only have disrespected her the once!!

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