
Did you ever eat at that hamburger joint on La Brea in Hollywood called Pink's?

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Did you ever eat at that hamburger joint on La Brea in Hollywood called Pink's?




  1. Pink's is more for Hot Dogs. If you are looking for a good burger try Fatburger or if you are looking for a good sandwich and a possible celebrity sighting try Jerry's Famous Deli.

  2. Pink's is a Hollywood landmark!  There is almost always a big line, no matter what time you go, either 10 am or midnight.  That's gotta tell you something!

  3. i tried it once. the 2nd attempt was at midnight on a saturday we bailed the line was ridiculous. but their hot dogs are good!!

  4. Pinks are hotdogs with a line the size of China

  5. If you like hot dogs it is a must to go there once,  I perfer cuids,  their dogs have more of a snap and the place looks cleaner.

  6. Yes!!! But you MUST try their WORLD famous hot dogs

  7. Yeah, I once ate a hot dog there. That's what they are known for.

  8. I am from Chicago originally and went there once to compare to Chicago's. No comparison. Chicago is better. Line not too long, moved quickly and seating in side and patio.

  9. this is a famous hot dog place.

  10. yes, but Pink's is far more famous for its hot dogs, not it's burgers.

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