
Did you ever expect that TTC would be this mentally, emotionally, and physically tiring?

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At the begining, we thought it would happen right away - heck, I EXPECTED to be pregnant right after my first month of trying!Boy was I naive, haha. It's now 2.5 years later and we're still trying. I can't believe it has been this long. It's been difficult, but we haven't given up hope yet. Did you expect it to be this tough? Share your stories :)




  1. I could seriously write a book on this subject. No, I never expected my life would change so dramatically when my husband and I decided to have another child. For our first child we had the talk and then I got pregnant two weeks later and we both decided it was time to have a child.

    Then... we tried for the second one. Never in my life did I feel so despair. You don't know hope until you have hoped for something so much that the mere thought of the hope coming true is overwhelming. I was young at the time and I remember all the Doctors said I was "fine". It was not until I went through 3 Doctors that one finally took the time to disregard my age and start looking at my perspective and thoughts. I have PCOS and endometriosis.

    I can remember countless months of Doctor Visits, pills, injections. It was a constant whirl of emotions-- and the pills did not help with the hormonal effect either. I would start a cycle with the thought "this is going to be it... THIS is going to be the dream come true-- THIS month". I would patiently get through all of the requirements, all of the visits--- everything. Then the time would come for me to get that blood test to see if all was successful. I never knew those words "I am sorry it was a negative" could be so hurtful-- more hurtful then physical pain. Many times I waited for that phone call, my heart on edge, my hopes balancing between "please let this be the time". On to hang the phone up and sit in silence with a hurt that is not possible to describe.

    We moved onto IVF and I was thankful that after 5 years of trying (and we will not even mention the cost we spent) that it was successful. I was pregnant with triplets. My world twirled faster than a tornado. It was a blur, but the greatest joy of a blur and my whole being just glowed with happiness. Six weeks into the pregnancy I began bleeding-- almost to the point of hemorrhaging. I went to the ER and was told "I am sorry but there you lost all 3 babies". Something, a gift, the great joy that I was given was ripped out of my hands. My reproductive endocrinologist told me to keep taking my injections. I fought with him and said "You don't understand how much blood there was-- they said there was nothing". He fought with me and told me to take them and take the 3 hour drive to Indy in two days. I did as he said, but my hope was lost and felt as if my dreams were shattered along with it.

    Then 2 days later with no hope I saw a heart beating on that monitor and no words could express what I felt-- only tears. There was a huge blot clot and I was told only had a 5-10% chance of carrying out the pregnancy. I was put on 4 months of complete bed rest and a few more trips to the ER while pregnant. Then my water broke when I was 29 weeks. Is she was born then she did not have much chance to survive. I spent 40 days in the hospital and on complete bed rest again! I was given steroids and finally at 32 weeks and 4 days my little girl Hannah decided it was time. She weighed 4 pounds 11 ounces, but she was healthy. Ten days later she came home with us and to this day through all of the trials, tears, hopes I would not change a thing. She is healthy, so very intelligent and my miracle.

    I encourage you all to never give up hope. Once you have survived climbing that mountain that seems unbearable-- the gift you receive in the end will be indescribable.

  2. I totally agrree with u, we never expected it to be like this, i have a 4 year old daughter and fell stright away now we have been trying 3 years and still nothing!

    Hang on in there hey!


  3. I wouldn't know, all 3 of mine happened the first month of going off the pill..  Now I just went off it again, trying for a girl, and now I think I am again, but I still have 12 days til period is due...  I can't imagine what it must be like to go months and months, to years & waiting...  The 2 weeks of waiting to see if you get your period are torturous....  Good luck

  4. I agree.  I think I thought that this would just happen like it does for everyone else.  I was a crazy person about it for a good 6 months, but  I am trying to relax.  It only has been 1 year for us.  Good luck to you.

  5. ive been having unprotected s*x since 14 and just before my 16th birthday i became pregnant! baby dust.

  6. NOT in a million years!!! I spent 15 years trying not to get pregnant! HAHA I have my daughter at 15 and mad a goal in my life not to get pregnant again until I was ready so here I am 30 and have been trying for over 2 years with nothing! I just pisses me off! I found out in Feb that I have blockages in both tubes and next month I will be having surgery to try to unblock them with any luck there will be able too. If not I will be going to the next step IVF and go from there!

  7. Yes I understand what you are talking about...I was on the depo for 4 years got off and tried to have a babyy with my ex but that didnt work..then my husband i have been trying every since we started dating and its been about 2 years knows....

    Only this month have been tracking my periods and ovulation.

    At the begining it was Ruff cause i thought i was doing everything right...drank nothing but water didnt drink then started taking prenatal pills...and then i i relized i was stressing out be upset cause everyone i knew was going on there 2nd kid =(.....But has of now i was remembering about a time i went to see a sicket with my husband before we got married and she told me i would be having two kids and him too....but we were alone with her and she didnt know that we were seeing each other....I told her its was my friend......Anyways i ask her when will i have kids and she said it will be about 2 years from now you will have a kid....So i just started think about that and notice she was right about everything else......But know i am not soo sad or upset or always thing about I have to TTC...I still look at my chart and see when i maybe ovulating and when do i get my periods and i like that part....So i am more aware when i may be getting my But i am trying to relaxs went back to drink coffee just one cup aday....sometimes drink but not to the ponit where i am drunk just a few..and i dont drink all the time just when i am on my period =)

    and i still take my prenatal pills amd drink water as much i a can.....So i am chillin back thinking postive about everythings.... But its a mentally, emotionally, and physically tiring feeling.....

    Dont give up its hard but dont think about it to much your time will come =)


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