
Did you ever experience an event that changed you your core?

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Did you ever experience an event that changed you your core?




  1. Yes, most recent was last year (winter time) when I got really sick. I almost died 3 times. I still suffer from it. Left with chronic pain in back, legs and feet. (No cure.) But I am still going to keep on.


    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

  2. Yes, fate has brought me through a lot to bring me to a new light, a new perspective, new morals and values to live by, and has picked me up and thrown me around all in the while I developed my own philosophy on myself, others, LIFE. To me that's as core to myself and to how I view things as it can get. Its ironic, how misspercieving we as humans can be, how cruel, how narrow-minded, how fast we can change. How family and friends are just only people, that so much to one person is nothing to another, how we take so much for granted, how we can answer questions with an I don't know or I have never thought of that. When life makes an effort to change you in that spand there are no more i don't knows, never thoughts, and no more for granted c**p. I won't get personal with how I changed exactly or what event changed me it was an unexplainable series.  

  3. Yes....when I was changed me completely...I'm still not the same.

  4. ...alcohol and drug addiction...many times i didn't even know it!!!

    ...what was real or a dream... in the moment...

  5. yes

  6. giving birth

  7. Knowing that my dad was a molester and my Ex husband was a abuser.

    Finding true love and my kids are the positive in my live that have changed me to the core also.  

  8. Yes, my ex-husband's adultery after nineteen years of marriage.

  9. yes.

    acceptance of myself.

  10. my sisters death at the age of 34. get the most from life, be nice to people, and dont sweat about things you cant change. xx

  11. Yeah, I joined the military at 17. Right after basic and AIT I went to desert storm, and when I came home my family said I was brainwashed, I was a murderer, and basically left me feeling like all the hard work and harsh conditions I had endured were for naught. In order to understand I read books like "The autobiography of Malcolm X," "das kapital," by Karl Marx, philosophies of Kant, Aristotle, Confucius, and any other philosopher I could get my hands on. After college I went to work for the Job Training Partnership Act (now known as the Workforce Investment Act) in order to try to help people adversely affected by our capitalist system. I learned one thing. We are in control of our own circumstances. If we're unhappy with our circumstances then we have to roll up our sleeves and do the work to improve our surroundings and circumstances. What JTPA and WIA recipients fail to do is stop sitting on their *** and whine about what the system isn't doing for them. "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what can you do for your country."

  12. death of my grandfather


  14. fraid so ! a few .

  15. 9/11 knocked me in to touch with reality.

  16. yes: a death.

  17. Yes the deaths of my parents 16 months apart.

  18. Yes, when I caused a car accident, and left the scene.  I could have killed someone and be in jail right now.  I turned myself in and by doing so I didn't go to jail.  But I still think to myself that if I were to have actually hurt someone, I would never be abel to forgive myself.

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